Sam Blanchard

Sam is a health correspondent for The Sun newspaper and website. He has been a journalist since 2014 and a health and science specialist since 2018. Before joining The Sun, he was deputy health editor at MailOnline after three years as a local news reporter in Wiltshire. He has written extensively about NHS performance. He covered Britain’s Covid-19 crisis from start to finish, as well as leading The Sun’s Give Britain a Booster and Do the Double Covid and flu vaccination campaigns with the support of the Government and NHS England.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • This success demonstrates two things... First, it is possible to clone primates.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Dr Sun’s statement about improving efficiency is misleading as they have only had one successful birth from 113 attempts which is a very low success rate.




No current examples available.




  • The title claims that the cloned monkey lived for two years but it does not mention if this was consecutive or if it was still alive at some point during this time period.

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