Vik Jolly,

Vik Jolly is an experienced journalist who has worked for The New York Times. He covers various topics including natural disasters, crime, and politics. His reporting style is characterized by vivid descriptions of events and a sense of urgency.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The articles provided by Vik Jolly have a bias towards presenting the events in an intense and dramatic manner. The author uses phrases such as 'furious deluge', 'life-threatening scenes' and 'miracle that no one died'. This creates a sense of urgency, but it also gives the impression that these events are more significant than they may actually be.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There are no clear indications of conflicts of interest in any of the articles provided by Vik Jolly.




  • The articles provided by Vik Jolly have some contradictions in them. For example, there is a statement saying 'some residents wondered why they did not receive more warning' which contradicts the fact that authorities had already issued warnings before the storm hit.




  • The articles provided by Vik Jolly have some instances where they present information that is not entirely accurate. For example, there are statements saying 'there were no deaths' and 'the authorities would later call it a miracle that no one died'. These statements contradict reports of injuries and fatalities due to the flood.

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Heroic Rescue: Japhet Perez-Estrada Saves Family's Pets During Storm in Southeast San Diego

Broke On: Thursday, 25 January 2024 On January 24th, Japhet Perez-Estrada risked his life to rescue his family's pets during a storm in Southeast San Diego. He swam through neck-deep water and shared videos of his journey on Instagram to raise awareness about the importance of being prepared for natural disasters.