Sascha Pare

Sascha Pare is a journalist who covers space news for He has written several articles about asteroids and their potential impact on our planet.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




No current examples available.

Conflicts of Interest



No current examples available.




  • The article states that Earth appears to be safe from cataclysmic 'planet killer' ones measuring more than 0.6 miles (1 km) across for the next 100 years but this is not accurate as there are asteroids larger than this size in our solar system and scientists have already predicted a collision with an object of similar size to Earth within the next few hundred million years.
  • The author claims that this is a new discovery but in fact, astronomers first detected the up to 121-foot-wide asteroid earlier this month which was documented after calculating that it will safely soar past our planet without incident.




  • The title and body of the article suggest that asteroid 2024 BJ will be flying between Earth and moon on Jan. 27 when it actually reached its closest point to Earth on Saturday (Jan. 27).

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