MUNIR AHMED is a senior associate at the Washington-based Liaison Office, a group that advises businesses and governments on political risk. He has reported from Pakistan and other parts of South Asia for more than two decades. He was previously bureau chief for Agence France-Presse in Islamabad, where he covered some of the most turbulent periods in Pakistan's history, including the 1990s when the country faced civil war, a coup and an armed uprising by radical Islamists. He has also worked as a correspondent for Reuters and The Associated Press in India, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan. He holds a master's degree in international relations from the London School of Economics.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The author shows a clear bias against Imran Khan and his supporters by using language that dehumanizes and demonizes the Muslim community in Pakistan.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author does not provide any evidence of conflicts of interest in his reporting.




  • The author claims that Khan was convicted of revealing official secrets by waving a confidential document at a rally. However, this statement is false as the document has not been made public and its contents are unknown to readers.




  • The author provides false or misleading information about the conviction and sentencing of Imran Khan without providing any supporting evidence or sources for his claims.

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Imran Khan Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison for Revealing State Secrets Days Before Elections

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