Alice Speri

Alice Speri is an Italian journalist who writes about U.S. foreign policy, abuses by military and security forces, and the repression of dissent. She has reported from Ukraine, Palestine, Haiti, El Salvador, Colombia, Colombia


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author tends to present Israel in a negative light and portrays the Palestinians as victims of genocide.
  • The author uses emotional language such as 'plausibly engaging in genocide' and 'implores President Joe Biden' to appeal to the reader's feelings.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article has a conflict of interest as it is written by an Italian journalist who lives in the U.S.
  • The author may have a bias towards Palestinians and against Israel due to her nationality and residence.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming that Israel is plausibly engaging in genoide while also stating that U.S weapons are integral to genocide and Israel is complicit in those acts.
  • The author does not provide any evidence or sources for the claims of genocide, but relies on testimonies from individuals who have lost relatives.




  • The article is deceptive as it uses vague terms such as 'plausibly' and 'unflagging support' without defining them or providing context.
  • The author does not address the complexity of the situation in Gaza and ignores Israel's security concerns.

Recent Articles

California Federal Court Rules Israel's Gaza Campaign May Amount to Genocide, Dismisses Case Against US Military Support

California Federal Court Rules Israel's Gaza Campaign May Amount to Genocide, Dismisses Case Against US Military Support

Broke On: Saturday, 03 February 2024 A federal court in California has ruled that Israel's military campaign in Gaza plausibly amounts to genocide, but dismissed a case aimed at stopping US military support for Israel as being outside the court's jurisdiction. The ruling came after a lawsuit filed by Palestinian human rights groups and individual Palestinians against President Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, Lloyd Austin and other senior officials of the United States government.