Arianna Johnson

Arianna Johnson is a science and space journalist who has written for Forbes since 2024. She covers topics such as astronomy, biology, and environmental science with a focus on providing accurate and engaging information to her readers. Prior to her work at Forbes, Arianna was a staff writer at The Verge where she covered technology and science news. She has also contributed to Wired, Popular Science, and Gizmodo. Arianna holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Colorado Boulder.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The articles provided by Arianna Johnson appear to be well-researched and unbiased, presenting factual information without any clear slant.

Conflicts of Interest



  • In all the articles provided, there is no evidence of any conflicts of interest on Arianna Johnson's part.




  • In the article 'Bird Flu (H5N1) Explained: U.S. Human Infections Rise To 9', Johnson states that four human cases of bird flu have been confirmed in Colorado poultry farm workers, but later contradicts herself by stating that three workers at a commercial egg operation in Colorado have presumptive positive cases of bird flu.
  • In the article 'Northern Lights 2024: Here’s When You May See The Next Aurora Borealis', Johnson mentions that Solar Cycle 25 began in Dec. 2019, but it actually started in 2017.
  • In the article 'Potentially Hazardous Asteroid Passes Earth Today: How To See It', Johnson claims that NASA has taken the threat of an asteroid coming into contact with Earth more seriously in recent years, but no evidence or examples are provided to support this claim.




  • In the article 'Potentially Hazardous Asteroid Passes Earth Today: How To See It', Johnson fails to provide evidence for NASA taking the threat of an asteroid coming into contact with Earth more seriously in recent years.
  • In the same article, she states that Asteroid 2008 OS7 will pass by Earth around 9:41 a.m EST on Friday, but it is not clear if this is based on NASA's predictions or her own research.

Recent Articles

New Discovery of Heparinoids as Effective Antidote for Cobra Venom: A Potential Solution to Snakebite-Related Disability and Deaths

New Discovery of Heparinoids as Effective Antidote for Cobra Venom: A Potential Solution to Snakebite-Related Disability and Deaths

Broke On: Thursday, 18 July 2024 Scientists from the University of Sydney, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and Instituto Clodomiro Picado discover heparinoids, a class of drugs commonly used as blood thinners, can protect human cells from cobra venom's tissue-damaging toxins. Through CRISPR gene editing technology, they identified that injecting tinzaparin into mice with artificial snakebites reduced tissue damage. If successful in human trials, this could lead to the creation of an affordable and quickly distributable snakebite treatment device containing heparin-like drugs.
Five Human Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Reported in Colorado: CDC Sends Team to Investigate

Five Human Cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (H5N1) Reported in Colorado: CDC Sends Team to Investigate

Broke On: Tuesday, 16 July 2024 Five human cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) have been confirmed in Colorado, primarily among farm workers involved in depopulating poultry. The CDC advises people to avoid unprotected exposures to animal waste and materials contaminated by infected birds or animals. Human cases, which have been rare but deadly since 2003, are believed to have originated from infected cattle at a Colorado poultry farm.
Solar Storms Disrupt GPS Technology on Farms: Impact on Farmers during Solar Maximum

Solar Storms Disrupt GPS Technology on Farms: Impact on Farmers during Solar Maximum

Broke On: Thursday, 16 May 2024 Solar storms, including the recent X5.8 flare, have disrupted GPS technology for farmers during this solar cycle, leading to inaccuracies and malfunctions. These storms can cause cascading calculation errors due to interactions between magnets and electronics. Farmers in regions like Saskatchewan and Ontario have been affected, with Tanner Borsa from Yellow Creek, Saskatchewan and Jordan Wallace from North Gower, Ont., experiencing GPS issues. NOAA issued warnings about these storms due to their potential impact on communication systems and power grids.
Asteroid the Size of a Skyscraper Passes Close to Earth Today: What You Need to Know

Asteroid the Size of a Skyscraper Passes Close to Earth Today: What You Need to Know

Broke On: Saturday, 03 February 2024 An asteroid the size of a skyscraper will pass close to Earth today, with its closest approach expected on Friday. The hulk of space rock is estimated to be between 210 metres and 480 metres across, similar in size to New York City's Empire State Building or London's The Shard. NASA estimates that the asteroid won't be back our way again until 2032 - Friday is when it will be closest to Earth. On its expected return in 2032 it will be much further away, staying some 45 million miles away from us.