Meredith Garofalo

Meredith Garofalo is a regional Murrow award-winning Certified Broadcast Meteorologist and science/space correspondent with a passion for reporting on meteorology, space, and science. She has worked in various television stations across the US during her 15-year career, including New York, Ohio, South Dakota, Florida, and California. Meredith has also worked nationally with WeatherNation and has been an accomplished reporter producing weather and science stories such as rocket launches at Vandenberg Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral. She is known for her in-depth special reports on NOAA's GOES-R and JPSS satellite series, coverage on NASA's major accomplishments, and interviews with top scientists and leaders of the space and science community. Meredith frequently serves as a panel moderator at the Space Symposium & Satellite Conference, has been a judge for the Space Foundation's Space Technology Hall of Fame, and conducts interviews to further storytelling on space topics. She is also involved in motivational talks, school visits, and career guidance to encourage women pursuing STEM careers and inspire future generations.


The Daily's Verdict

This author is known for its high journalistic standards. The author strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. The author has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




  • The articles provided show no examples of bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There are no examples of conflicts of interest found in the articles provided.




  • In the article titled 'Sierra Space unveils Dream Chaser space plane ahead of 1st flight to ISS (video)', there is a contradiction in the description of Dream Chaser's first flight to the International Space Station.
  • There is a contradiction in the article titled 'Sun unleashes X-class solar flare, radio blackouts reported' regarding the timing and prediction of an X1.6 flare from AR 3663 on May 6.




  • The article titled 'NASA's Pi Day challenge' is deceptively titled, implying that it will provide information about NASA's Pi Day challenge when in fact it only provides a brief introduction to what pi is and its importance for engineers and scientists at NASA.

Recent Articles

New GOES-19 Weather Satellite Launched, Set to Improve Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting

New GOES-19 Weather Satellite Launched, Set to Improve Space Weather Monitoring and Forecasting

Broke On: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 A new weather satellite, GOES-19, was launched on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket and will monitor the Western Hemisphere from geostationary orbit. Replacing GOES-16, it features advanced instruments for space weather analysis and lightning mapping. The launch marks a significant milestone in NOAA's 50-year partnership with NASA, paving the way for improved weather forecasting and hazard detection.
NASA Invites Public to Virtual Experience for NOAA GOES-U Launch and Improved Weather Forecasting Capabilities

NASA Invites Public to Virtual Experience for NOAA GOES-U Launch and Improved Weather Forecasting Capabilities

Broke On: Monday, 24 June 2024 Join NASA's virtual experience for NOAA GOES-U launch on June 25, 2024. As a virtual guest, access curated resources and mission-specific information. GOES-U is the final satellite in NOAA's GOES-R Series, enhancing weather forecasting and warning capabilities with advanced sensors like the Compact Coronagraph (CCOR), improving detection of space weather hazards.
New GOES-U Satellite with Compact Coronagraph Instrument Set to Launch, Revolutionizing Space Weather Forecasting

New GOES-U Satellite with Compact Coronagraph Instrument Set to Launch, Revolutionizing Space Weather Forecasting

Broke On: Saturday, 22 June 2024 NOAA's GOES-U satellite, launching June 25, 2024 on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket, carries the new Compact Coronagraph instrument. This innovation detects solar corona white light for early space weather forecasting of solar wind, flares, and ejections. Equipped with essential instruments and built by Lockheed Martin, GOES-U will provide Western Hemisphere coverage and crucial data on coronal mass ejections.
Unprecedented Solar Activity: The Largest Sunspot in 21 Years Triggers Strongest Solar Radiation Storm since 2017

Unprecedented Solar Activity: The Largest Sunspot in 21 Years Triggers Strongest Solar Radiation Storm since 2017

Broke On: Thursday, 08 June 2023 A massive sunspot on the sun, larger than fifteen Earths, caused an S3 solar radiation storm on June 8, 2023 - the strongest such event since 2017. This storm absorbed shortwave radio transmissions during a polar cap absorption event and preceded a powerful X1.5-class solar flare on June 10 that could lead to a geomagnetic storm. Solar radiation storms pose risks to space technology and disrupt communications, highlighting the importance of monitoring sunspot activity.
SpaceX Achieves Historic First Soft Landing of Starship Upper Stage and Super Heavy Booster: A Crucial Step Towards Reusable Rockets and Lunar Exploration

SpaceX Achieves Historic First Soft Landing of Starship Upper Stage and Super Heavy Booster: A Crucial Step Towards Reusable Rockets and Lunar Exploration

Broke On: Thursday, 06 June 2024 SpaceX achieved a historic first with the controlled landing of Starship upper stage (Ship 29) and Super Heavy Booster (Booster 11) following the fourth test flight on June 6, 2024. This significant milestone marks progress towards creating a mostly reusable rocket for SpaceX's goal of Mars exploration. NASA, which has ordered Starships for Moon-landing missions, congratulated the team and expressed excitement about lunar exploration.
Unprecedented Solar Storm in May 2024: Eight X-class Flares and Global Auroras

Unprecedented Solar Storm in May 2024: Eight X-class Flares and Global Auroras

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Unprecedented Solar Storm in May 2024: Eight X-class Flares and Global Auroras

Unprecedented Solar Storm in May 2024: Eight X-class Flares and Global Auroras

Broke On: Tuesday, 07 May 2024 An unprecedented solar storm in May 2024, marked by eight X-class solar flares and coronal mass ejections, caused a week-long barrage of space weather events. The strongest flare, an X8.7 on May 14, resulted in a G5 geomagnetic storm with auroras visible at low latitudes worldwide. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured images and provided valuable data for scientists to study the sun's behavior. While these solar events led to stunning auroras, they also posed risks for spacecraft and satellite operations.
NASA's Artemis Team Conducts Desert Field Test for Lunar Operations at Flagstaff, Arizona

NASA's Artemis Team Conducts Desert Field Test for Lunar Operations at Flagstaff, Arizona

Broke On: Monday, 13 May 2024 NASA's Artemis team conducts a week-long desert simulation in Flagstaff, Arizona to prepare for lunar operations. Astronauts Kate Rubins and Andre Douglas wear mockup spacesuits for technology demonstrations and science-related tasks. The test evaluates communication challenges and showcases potential tech like heads-up displays and lighting beacons. NASA aims to make history with Artemis III by landing the first woman, person of color, and international partner at the lunar south pole.
Recent Solar Flares: X-class Eruptions Disrupt Communication Systems and Warnings Issued

Recent Solar Flares: X-class Eruptions Disrupt Communication Systems and Warnings Issued

Broke On: Thursday, 02 May 2024 Recent solar flares, including two X-class and one M-class eruption within six hours from the same sunspot region AR3663, pose a threat to Earth by disrupting communication systems and power grids. The latest events occurred on May 2 and May 5, causing shortwave radio blackouts in Australia, Japan, China, and potentially leading to disruptions due to anticipated solar flares according to the National Satellite Meteorological Center in China.
Pi Day: Celebrating the Endless Possibilities of a Mathematical Constant

Pi Day: Celebrating the Endless Possibilities of a Mathematical Constant

Broke On: Friday, 15 March 2024 Pi Day is a celebration of the mathematical constant pi, which has practical uses in physics, astronomy, engineering and other fields. It was started by physicist Larry Shaw at the Exploratorium science museum in San Francisco on March 14th. NASA created a challenge that involved real-world science and engineering aspects of agency missions such as determining where to aim a laser message containing a cat video aboard NASA's Psyche spacecraft or calculating the distance for mapping lunar surface with rovers on CADRE technology demonstration. The holiday has gained national recognition and is accompanied by pi-related resources for educators, K-12 students and parents.