Melik Kaylan

Contributor|Policy I have written about ancient places, warzones, political upheavals and far frontiers for the Wall Street Journal and Newsweek since the 1990s. That covers an area from the China-North Korea border to the Caucasus, to Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey to Eastern Europe. Submerging SOCIAL 7,786 views15 hours ago The Real Reason Why Putin Gave A History Lesson To Tucker Carlson Putin's obsession with history reflects Russia's obsession with past greatness. It justifies repression at home and war abroad. 865 viewsFeb 5, 2024 For Ukraine Another Hidden Danger Looms With official aid constantly in peril, Ukraine must safeguard foreign investment 938 viewsJan 26, 2024 Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah: The Danger From Iran And How To Stop It The US must make Iran's leadership feel a palpable threat to their power at home and abroad 2,336 viewsDec 11, 2023 Putin Brings Back Cruelties From Ancient Empires To Fight Ukraine From poison, to scorched earth, to 'bashi-bazouks' in the front line, Moscow has reverted to dark methods not seen in the modern era 1,810 viewsNov 24, 2023 Bloody Stalemate Looms In Ukraine: What Is Biden's Game? Attritional war will drain Moscow and its global allies over time: North Korea, Iran, Hamas, and useful idiots in the West. But at what cost to Ukraine?


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




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  • He conducts himself as a human quotation from the past, restoring Russia's age-old verities.
  • Putin knew what he was doing

Conflicts of Interest






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  • Only a missionary motivation can justify sacrifices, hierarchical deprivations, regional desolation that Putin asks of his population
  • Putin gave a history lesson to Tucker Carlson




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  • Putin knows his Russian public and understands their emotional bond to Russia's past greatness
  • Putin's reference to Genghis Khan is an attempt to create myth
  • Putin was highly prepared for the face-off

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Putin Denies Involvement in Ukraine Conflict, Experts Disagree

Putin Denies Involvement in Ukraine Conflict, Experts Disagree

Broke On: Sunday, 11 February 2024 Russian President Vladimir Putin has been accused of invading Ukraine in 2014, which led to the annexation of Crimea by Russia. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Putin denied any involvement in the conflict and claimed that it was sparked by radical nationalists who were trying to influence Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. However, there is no evidence to support this claim and many experts believe that Putin's actions led directly to the conflict.