Lauren Bedosky

Lauren Bedosky is a freelance health and fitness writer who specializes in covering running and strength training topics. She writes for a variety of national publications, including Runner's World, Prevention, Experience Life and Women's Running. She has been featured as an expert source by outlets such as The New York Times, CNN, NPR and Men's Health. Her work is known for its clarity and practicality.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author does not show any clear bias in her articles.
  • The author provides balanced and objective information on various topics related to cycling and fitness.

Conflicts of Interest



  • However, the author discloses this information in her bio and does not seem to be biased by it.
  • The author has a potential conflict of interest as she writes for various fitness publications that may promote certain products or services.




  • All statements made by the author are supported by evidence and logic.
  • None of the articles provided by the user contain any major contradictions or inconsistencies.




  • All claims made by the author are backed up by research and experience.
  • The author does not use any deceptive practices or fallacies in her articles.

Recent Articles

Understanding Sarcopenia: How to Prevent the Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength in Older Adults

Understanding Sarcopenia: How to Prevent the Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength in Older Adults

Broke On: Sunday, 18 February 2024 Cycling can improve healthy aging, but it won't prevent sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and strength that comes with aging. Experts explain what causes sarcopenia, its health risks, and how to prevent it.