Jonathan Chadwick

Jonathan Chadwick is a science and technology reporter for MailOnline. He has been with the publication since 2019. Prior to joining MailOnline, Jonathan studied at the universities of Reading and Sydney before completing his journalism training in Brighton. He previously wrote for Laboratory News, Tech Monitor, ZDNet and The Argus.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




No current examples available.

Conflicts of Interest



No current examples available.




  • Black holes act as intense sources of gravity that hoover up surrounding dust and gas, planets and even other black holes
  • Black holes are regions of spacetime where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out




  • Experts have shared their concerns around the technology, which if released could make people appear to say things that they never said.
  • seeing is most definitely not believing anymore
  • The boundary between what’s real and what’s not is becoming ever thinner thanks to a new AI tool from Microsoft... However, Microsoft admits the tool could be ‘misused for impersonating humans’ and is not releasing it to the public.

Recent Articles

NASA's Black Hole Simulations: Peering into the Distorted Reality of Space-Time

NASA's Black Hole Simulations: Peering into the Distorted Reality of Space-Time

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Mars' Intriguing 'Spider-Shaped' Formations: A Fascinating Discovery by ESA's Mars Express and ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

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Microsoft's New AI Model, VASA-1: Generating Hyper-Realistic Talking Faces and Raising Ethical Concerns

Microsoft's New AI Model, VASA-1: Generating Hyper-Realistic Talking Faces and Raising Ethical Concerns

Broke On: Thursday, 18 April 2024 Microsoft's new AI model, VASA-1, generates hyper-realistic videos of talking human faces from a single photo and speech audio clip. With synchronised lip movements and facial expressions, it can create 512x512p resolution videos at up to 40 FPS. While intended for virtual characters, concerns about deepfakes and fraud arise. Microsoft emphasizes potential positive uses like education, communication assistance, and therapeutic support.
Asteroid the Size of a Bus to Skim Past Earth Today: What You Need to Know

Asteroid the Size of a Bus to Skim Past Earth Today: What You Need to Know

Broke On: Thursday, 22 February 2024 On February 22, an asteroid the size of a bus will skim past Earth. It is estimated to be around 42 feet in diameter and traveling at roughly 50 times the speed of sound. Despite its close proximity, experts have reassured that there is no cause for alarm.