Andre Romani

By Andre Romani Andre Romani is a Brazilian journalist and writer who covers business and technology topics. He has worked for Reuters since 2013, covering companies such as StoneCo, MercadoLibre, Nubank, and 99.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The article uses positive language to describe StoneCo's growth and profitability, but does not provide any context or comparison with other companies in the same industry.
  • The author quotes only one analyst who has a bullish outlook on StoneCo, without mentioning any dissenting views or alternative perspectives.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not provide any information about the author's background or qualifications to write about financial technology companies in Brazil.
  • The author does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from his coverage of StoneCo and MercadoLibre.




  • The article states that StoneCo plans to multiply net profits eightfold by 2027, but also says that it will maintain a controlled level of investment. This implies a contradiction between aggressive growth and prudent management.
  • The title suggests that MercadoLibre's profit is stable after tax hit when in fact it has decreased due to two one-off taxes provisions in Brazil totaling $351 million.




  • The article uses a questionable metric of volume and take rate growth to measure StoneCo's performance and potential. These metrics may not reflect the true value or profitability of the company.
  • The author does not provide any evidence or sources for his claims about StoneCo's financial model, market share, or competitive advantage.

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