Richard Allen

Richard Allen is an American journalist who works for CNN. He has covered a variety of topics including politics, crime, and human interest stories. He was born in Indiana and graduated from Purdue University with a degree in journalism. Before joining CNN, he worked as a reporter for several local newspapers in Indiana.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The author is biased towards Israel and Netanyahu's plan for Gaza.
  • The author uses emotive language to describe Hamas and their actions.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest that the author or sources may have.
  • The author may have a conflict of interest as they work for CNN, which is often criticized for its pro-Israel bias.




  • Hamas did not attack Israel until after Netanyahu's plan was announced.
  • Netanyahu claims to want peace but his history suggests otherwise.
  • The plan is vague and does not specify what security control means or how long it will last.




  • The article presents Netanyahu as a leader working towards peace when his history suggests otherwise.
  • The plan only outlines some of Israel's goals for post-war Gaza and does not provide any details or solutions.

Recent Articles

Israel's Plan for Gaza: Indefinite Military Control and Civilian Administration by Gazans Without Links to Hamas

Israel's Plan for Gaza: Indefinite Military Control and Civilian Administration by Gazans Without Links to Hamas

Broke On: Friday, 23 February 2024 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has proposed a plan for the future of Gaza after Hamas, which includes indefinite military control over the enclave and civilians administered by Gazans without links to Hamas. This would make it difficult to establish a Palestinian state comprising Gaza and the West Bank in the short term.