Duke University

This is a biography of an anonymous user who provides news articles about Duke University's sports programs. The bio does not mention the author's name, date of birth, place of residence or education. It only states that he works for Duke and has some experience in sports journalism.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The author seems to have a bias towards Duke University and its athletic programs. He uses positive adjectives like

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author may have a conflict of interest as he works for Duke University and may be biased towards its sports programs. He does not disclose this potential bias in his article.
  • There is no evidence that the author has any financial or personal interests that would influence his reporting on Duke's basketball team.




  • This article contradicts itself by claiming that the Blue Devils won five straight games while also admitting they lost one game in that period.




  • The author cites some of the games that Duke played in the URL provided but does not give any details on how they performed or what happened in those games.
  • The author uses deceptive practices by exaggerating Duke's achievements and downplaying their losses. He also does not provide any sources or evidence for his claims.

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Wake Forest Defeats Duke in Epic Basketball Game, Court Storming Incident Injures Kyle Filipowski

Wake Forest Defeats Duke in Epic Basketball Game, Court Storming Incident Injures Kyle Filipowski

Broke On: Sunday, 25 February 2024 Wake Forest defeated No. 8 Duke in a thrilling game on Saturday, February 24th with a score of 83-79. However, the celebration was cut short when Kyle Filipowski collided with a fan during court storming and sustained an injury.