Sonja West

Sonja West is a legal commentator and professor at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. She specializes in topics such as free speech, media law, and constitutional theory.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author often uses emotional language and hyperbole to make her points more persuasive.
  • The author sometimes relies on anecdotal evidence or personal experiences rather than facts or statistics to support her arguments.
  • The author tends to favor conservative causes and opinions, such as supporting Trump's immunity case and criticizing the NRA's opponents.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest when citing sources or discussing controversial topics.
  • The author has a clear conflict of interest by working as an editor for Slate, which is known to have a liberal bias and agenda.
  • The author sometimes uses her articles to promote her own books or opinions rather than providing objective analysis or reporting.




  • The author contradicts herself by claiming that the Supreme Court is biased against conservative causes while also praising some of its decisions.
  • The author often cites sources that are not credible or reliable, such as opinion pieces or blog posts instead of academic journals or official reports.
  • The author sometimes makes sweeping generalizations without providing any evidence or examples to back them up.




  • The author often uses deceptive practices such as misleading headlines, clickbait titles, and sensationalized language to attract readers.
  • The author rarely admits any errors or mistakes and instead tries to deflect blame or shift responsibility.
  • The author sometimes omits important information or context that would change the meaning or implication of her statements.

Recent Articles

Supreme Court Grants Hearing on Trump's Immunity Claim in Criminal Prosecution Case

Supreme Court Grants Hearing on Trump's Immunity Claim in Criminal Prosecution Case

Broke On: Friday, 01 March 2024 The Supreme Court has granted former President Donald Trump's case for absolute immunity from criminal prosecution, sparking mixed reactions among scholars and journalists.