Brooke Leigh

Brooke Leigh Howard is a reporter focusing on race and identity for The Daily Beast. She often writes about racism in the workplace, schools, higher education, and on social media.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author compares Irish immigrants in the 19th century seeking employment as being equivalent to Black Americans seeking employment during the Jim Crow era.
  • The federal judge claimed there was an issue of semantics, that the agency's language serves socially or economically disadvantaged individual[s]. While that seems race-neutral, the Statute defines it in racial terms.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author does not mention any conflicts of interest. However it is worth noting that Brooke Leigh Howard has written articles about racism and identity for The Daily Beast which could be considered a potential conflict of interest.




  • The article states a federal judge has ruled that a federal agency created to help minority-owned businesses must open up its services to all races and ethnicities. This statement is misleading as it implies that Judge Pittman's ruling was about changing the policy of the Minority Business Development Agency, when in reality he only ruled on three specific cases.




  • The article uses emotional manipulation by stating three business owners from Texas, Florida and Wisconsin checked the boxes when it came to seeking services for their companies but just couldn't satisfy a race-based barrier. This statement implies that these businesses should have been able to receive assistance regardless of their race.

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