David Landsel

David Landsel is a journalist who covers a wide range of topics including health, lifestyle, and general news. In his articles, he often shares personal experiences and insights while reporting on current events. He has written about various subjects such as Alzheimer's disease management, the impact of COVID-19 long-term symptoms, and consumer behavior in relation to weight loss products. His work is characterized by a unique perspective that combines personal anecdotes with factual information.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • In the article 'I have Alzheimer's – I'm beating back the deadly disease with these simple lifestyle changes', David Landsel seems to present a positive and personal viewpoint on how individuals can combat Alzheimer's. This could be seen as implying that Alzheimer's is manageable, potentially downplaying the severity of the disease.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There are no clear conflicts of interest detected in David Landsel's articles.




  • In the article 'No such thing as long COVID', David Landsel reports on a study that found no evidence for increased impairment in individuals who tested positive for COVID-19 at a higher rate than those who tested negative or those who had the flu. This contradicts common beliefs and health agency claims about long-term symptoms of COVID-19.




  • In the article 'No such thing as long COVID', there is an allegation that research findings were manipulated or misrepresented by health experts. This could imply deception on their part.

Recent Articles

Two Individuals Defy Alzheimer's: Lifestyle Changes Reverse or Halt Progression

Two Individuals Defy Alzheimer's: Lifestyle Changes Reverse or Halt Progression

Broke On: Saturday, 18 May 2024 Two individuals with Alzheimer's disease, Cici Zerbe and Simon Nicholls, have reported halting or reversing its progression through strict lifestyle changes. Adopting plant-based diets, regular exercise routines, group support sessions, yoga practice, meditation regimens, and preventative measures led to significant physical improvements for both individuals. Cici Zerbe experienced a reversal of symptoms after five years of abstaining from her favorite food and losing weight. Simon Nicholls lost 21 pounds in nine weeks and prevented diabetes progression with lifestyle modifications.
Long COVID Symptoms Similar to Post-Viral Syndromes, Study Finds

Long COVID Symptoms Similar to Post-Viral Syndromes, Study Finds

Broke On: Friday, 15 March 2024 A study by Queensland Health's chief health officer Dr John Gerrard found that long COVID symptoms are similar to those experienced after flu. The research surveyed 5,112 adults who were still experiencing symptoms three months after their initial Covid-19 infection when those symptoms could not be explained by an alternative diagnosis.