Kati Pohjanpalo

Kati Pohjanpalo is a bureau chief and reporter for Bloomberg News based in Helsinki. She covers economics, politics, and business topics related to Finland and the Nordic region. She has been with Bloomberg since 2018 and has previously worked as an editor at Reuters.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The article seems to present Finland as a happy and successful country without acknowledging the challenges it faces, such as high unemployment and social inequality.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not appear to have any conflicts of interest, as it is a news report and not an opinion piece or advertisement. However, the author may have some bias towards Finland due to their role as a bureau chief in Helsinki.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming that young people are less happy than older generations in Finland while also saying that their wellbeing scores have dropped. It also does not provide any evidence or data to support these claims.




  • The article uses deceptive practices such as clickbait headlines and sensationalist language to attract readers. It also does not provide any context or comparison for the ranking of happiness in different countries, making it seem more important than it may be.

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