Chris Young

Reporter Chris Young was born in San Dimas, California, and moved to Greensboro where he grew up. After attending East Carolina University, he found a passion for reporting. Now he joins NewsChannel 12 to work for the people of Eastern North Carolina.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The author is biased by relying on anecdotal evidence and emotional language instead of factual data or expert opinions.
  • The author is biased by using a positive tone and focusing on the negative effects of pollen without providing any solutions or alternatives.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The author may have a conflict of interest by promoting his own agenda and not presenting balanced information.
  • The author may have a conflict of interest by using sensationalized language to attract more viewers or readers.




  • The article contradicts itself by stating that the source of pollen changes throughout the year but does not explain how or why.
  • The article contradicts scientific facts by implying that yellow everything is a problem without providing any evidence or context.




  • The article is deceptive by omitting important information that would help readers understand the causes and effects of pollen production.
  • The article is deceptive by using unreliable sources and quotes without disclosing their credentials or motives.

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