Leo Faierman

Leo Faierman is a video game journalist who has written for Screen Rant. He specializes in reviewing games across various genres.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The author has a tendency to focus on the technical aspects of games rather than their story or characters.
  • The author tends to use overly positive language when describing game mechanics and features.

Conflicts of Interest



No current examples available.




  • Players must use counterspark to repel an enemy's attack which can be repetitive.
  • The title mentions 'assassin simulator' but the focus is on puzzle-solving and strategic thinking rather than killing people.




  • The title mentions 'assassin simulator' but the focus is on puzzle-solving and strategic thinking rather than killing people.

Recent Articles

Children of the Sun: A Bullet-Time and Puzzle Game Adventure with The Girl's Telekinetic Powers

Children of the Sun: A Bullet-Time and Puzzle Game Adventure with The Girl's Telekinetic Powers

Broke On: Tuesday, 09 April 2024 Children of the Sun is a thrilling mashup of bullet-time and puzzle games. Players control The Girl, who wields a sniper rifle and has telekinetic powers that allow her to control where the bullet goes once it's fired. Each level can be completed in different ways via various means, such as tagging enemies or using vehicles or barrels for environmental props. The game features a leaderboard that scores each round based on distance traveled, time taken, body parts perforated, explosions caused and multi-kills racked up.
Rise of the Ronin: A Parry-Heavy Action RPG Set in Mid-19th Century Japan

Rise of the Ronin: A Parry-Heavy Action RPG Set in Mid-19th Century Japan

Broke On: Thursday, 21 March 2024 Rise of the Ronin is a PS5 exclusive action RPG set in mid-19th century Japan during the Boshin War. Players control two customizable assassins known as Blade Twins, and focus on parry-heavy combat mechanics with loads of variety. The open world is rich and diverse, filled with activities and polished sandbox mechanics that keep players engaged. Despite its strengths, Rise of the Ronin has flaws such as shallow item collection for quest-givers and repetitive combat system requiring counterspark to repel enemy attacks.