Maxine Joselow,

Maxine Joselow is a Washington, D.C. reporter focusing on climate change and environment Education: Brown University, BA in English Joselow joined The Post from E&E News, an environmental publication that is part of Politico.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • The article implies that the EPA rule is a positive step without acknowledging potential drawbacks or alternative solutions.
  • The article uses biased language to describe the effects of chemical plant pollution on low-income and minority communities.

Conflicts of Interest



  • However, the author's affiliation with Politico and E&E News may suggest a pro-environmental stance.
  • There is no evidence of any conflicts of interest in this article.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming both that the EPA rule will prevent all forms of cancer and that only certain types of cancers are linked to ethylene oxide and chloroprene.
  • The article exaggerates the impact of the EPA rule on eliminating harsh odors.




  • The article omits important details and context about the limitations of scientific evidence and potential trade-offs.
  • The article uses deceptive practices to manipulate readers into believing that the EPA rule will have significant benefits for public health.

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New EPA Rules Target Toxic Air Pollution from Chemical Plants in Cancer Alley

New EPA Rules Target Toxic Air Pollution from Chemical Plants in Cancer Alley

Broke On: Friday, 24 March 2023 The EPA has announced new rules to limit toxic air pollution from chemical plants in Louisiana's Cancer Alley, specifically targeting ethylene oxide and chloroprene as likely carcinogens.