Caroline Gall

Caroline Gall is a journalist who has covered various topics in her career. She has shown an interest in science and space exploration, as evidenced by her reporting on the discovery of the exoplanet Gliese 12 b. In addition to her work in science journalism, she has also reported on cancer research and celebrity news, such as her coverage of Noddy Holder's battle with cancer. Through this diverse range of topics, Gall has demonstrated her ability to report on a variety of subjects with clarity and accuracy.


The Daily's Verdict

This author is known for its high journalistic standards. The author strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. The author has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




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Conflicts of Interest



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  • Gliese 12 b has a similar size and temperature to Earth, with an estimated surface temperature of about 42°C.
  • Gliese 12 b orbits a red dwarf star named Gliese 12, with a year lasting just 12.8 Earth days.
  • The exoplanet is estimated to have a width around 1.1 times that of Earth.
  • The planet is located 40 light years away in the constellation Pisces.




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Recent Articles

Newly Discovered Exoplanet Gliese 12 b: An Earth-Sized World Orbiting a Red Dwarf Star

Newly Discovered Exoplanet Gliese 12 b: An Earth-Sized World Orbiting a Red Dwarf Star

Broke On: Thursday, 23 May 2024 In May 2024, NASA's TESS spacecraft announced the discovery of Gliese 12 b, an Earth-sized planet orbiting a red dwarf star approximately 40 light years away. With an estimated size similar to Earth and a surface temperature around 107 degrees Fahrenheit, this intriguing exoplanet is a potential candidate for further study in understanding habitability pathways.