Tessa Wong

Singapore’s government has long insisted that everyone in the Singapore nation should speak English - it's the language used in schools, at work, and in government. But in practice many people speak a hybrid language that can leave visitors completely baffled - Singlish. Singapore is known for its efficiency and Singlish is no different - it’s the language of the street, with colourful and snappy sentences.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • However, many people speak a hybrid language that can leave visitors completely baffled - some words have been borrowed from other languages with other words and grammar.
  • Singapore is known for its efficiency and Singlish is no different - it’s the language used in schools, at work, and in government.

Conflicts of Interest



  • But in practice many people speak a hybrid language that can leave visitors completely baffled - Singlish.
  • Singapore's government has long insisted that everyone in the island nation should speak English - it’s the language used in schools, at work, and in government.




  • Another unknown ballistic missile was detected around 5:15 a.m.
  • First missile flew 600 kilometers (370 miles),
  • North Korea test-fired two ballistic missiles on Monday.
  • South Korean military is fully prepared and closely sharing information with US and Japanese authorities.




  • Pyongyang is now trumpeting that they are a step closer to achieving MIRV capability as well.
  • The deception appears to be focused on North Korea’s nuclear program and their ability to successfully launch missiles.

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