Eve Beattie

Eve Beattie is a news reporter who focuses on political and royal news. She has provided insightful coverage of various events, including the final TV clash between Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak before the General Election. Her reporting often highlights contradictions, biases, and deceptive practices in the political arena. In addition to her work as a journalist, she has shown interest in the Royal Family through her coverage of local butchers that supplied meat to the late Queen. However, it is unclear if her personal connection to the late Queen through a local butcher in Scotland influences her reporting.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on the author's reporting.




  • In another instance, she quotes an opponent accusing Mr. Sunak of rowing in behind a disputed claim and then returning to it.
  • The author also showcases her ability to provide context by mentioning that the Prime Minister delayed action until pressured into taking it.
  • The author often highlights contradictions and biases in the articles she reports on. For example, in the provided article, she points out that Sir Keir criticized Rishi Sunak for being out of touch with the public and suggested that he accepted Liz Truss's economic agenda.

Conflicts of Interest



  • However, it is worth mentioning that her reporting on the Royal Family may be influenced by her connection to the late Queen through a local butcher in Scotland.
  • In the biography provided, there are no examples of conflicts of interest for Eve Beattie.
  • The author does not explicitly state any personal connections or relationships that could potentially influence her reporting.




  • In the provided article, the author highlights contradictions in both candidates' statements. She mentions Sir Keir accusing Rishi Sunak of interruptions during a question from an audience member and suggesting that he accepted Liz Truss's economic agenda.
  • She also points out that Mr. Sunak returned to a disputed claim about Labour's policies despite being told not to.
  • The author demonstrates her attention to detail by mentioning specific moments in the debate where contradictions occurred.




  • In the provided article, the author highlights deceptive practices by quoting an opponent accusing Rishi Sunak of repeating a lie about Labour's policies.
  • She also showcases Mr. Sunak's alleged interruptions during a question from an audience member, which could be seen as deceptive behavior.
  • The author demonstrates her ability to identify and call out deceptive practices in the articles she reports on.

Recent Articles

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer Clash in Final UK Election Debate: Immigration, Ethics, and Leadership

Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer Clash in Final UK Election Debate: Immigration, Ethics, and Leadership

Broke On: Wednesday, 26 June 2024 During the final UK general election debate, Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer clashed on immigration, ethics, and leadership. Sunak accused Starmer of deceitful immigration policies while Starmer promised to reset politics. Both leaders faced pressure to perform well as polls indicated a close race. Interruptions from both sides and protests outside added to the chaos, but both effectively communicated their messages.