Danielle Venton

Danielle Venton is a science reporter for KQED News, a public media organization based in San Francisco. She has a background in biology and transitioned from research to journalism as she enjoyed the process of asking questions and explaining things to others. Her work primarily focuses on science-related topics, and she strives to present complex subjects in an accessible manner for the general public. As a KQED reporter, Venton covers a wide range of stories including those related to health, environment, technology, and education.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • Danielle Venton appears to be a fair and objective reporter. No significant biases were found.

Conflicts of Interest



  • No conflicts of interest were found in the article.




  • The contradiction found is that State Farm is the largest writer of homeowners insurance in California, yet they are requesting enormous rate increases to prevent insolvency. This could be seen as a contradictory position since a profitable company would not typically need such drastic rate hikes.




  • No deceptive practices were found in the article.

Recent Articles

California Homeowners and Renters Face Significant Rate Increases from State Farm: A Look into the Insurance Crisis

California Homeowners and Renters Face Significant Rate Increases from State Farm: A Look into the Insurance Crisis

Broke On: Friday, 28 June 2024 California homeowners, renters face steep insurance rate hikes from State Farm due to increased costs and risk. The company requested a 30% increase for homeowners, 36% for condo owners, and 52% for renters. State Farm stopped writing new policies in CA and not renewing thousands of existing ones, raising concerns about its financial stability after a downgrade with a negative outlook. The Department of Insurance will review the filings closely and invite public comment before making a decision.