Dominic Hughes

Dominic Hughes is an author who has not been extensively covered in news articles. He is known for his reporting on a variety of topics with a focus on science and technology. His writing often highlights the impact of these fields on society and the environment. Dominic's work has been praised for its clarity and depth, showcasing his ability to distill complex subjects into easily digestible narratives. While he does not have any notable conflicts of interest or biases, his reporting consistently emphasizes the importance of logical fallacies and deception in shaping public opinion.


The Daily's Verdict

This author is known for its high journalistic standards. The author strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. The author has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




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Conflicts of Interest



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No current examples available.




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Recent Articles

New Discovery of Heparinoids as Effective Antidote for Cobra Venom: A Potential Solution to Snakebite-Related Disability and Deaths

New Discovery of Heparinoids as Effective Antidote for Cobra Venom: A Potential Solution to Snakebite-Related Disability and Deaths

Broke On: Thursday, 18 July 2024 Scientists from the University of Sydney, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, and Instituto Clodomiro Picado discover heparinoids, a class of drugs commonly used as blood thinners, can protect human cells from cobra venom's tissue-damaging toxins. Through CRISPR gene editing technology, they identified that injecting tinzaparin into mice with artificial snakebites reduced tissue damage. If successful in human trials, this could lead to the creation of an affordable and quickly distributable snakebite treatment device containing heparin-like drugs.