Mary LeBus

Mary LeBus is a seasoned journalist with extensive experience reporting on local news and events in the Cincinnati area. Her work focuses on uncovering stories of importance to the community, particularly those related to government, law enforcement, and social issues. Through her investigative pieces, Mary has exposed conflicts of interest, deceptive practices, and instances of official misconduct. In addition to her reporting duties, she actively participates in community events and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for residents of Greater Cincinnati.


The Daily's Verdict

This author has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • Mary LeBus has a clear and apparent bias against conflicts of interest and deceptive practices, as evidenced by multiple instances where she reports on such issues.
  • There are several examples of Mary LeBus reporting on incidents where law enforcement or other authorities have acted improperly or unjustly, suggesting a potential anti-authority bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • In another article, Mary LeBus reports on efforts by library advocates to protect the freedom of expression in libraries. This could be seen as implying a conflict of interest on the part of those advocates.
  • Mary LeBus reports on a case where a company is accused of using a business model that increases rent and cuts costs instead of repairing substandard living conditions. This could be seen as implying a conflict of interest on the part of the company.




  • In one article, Mary LeBus reports on a proposed ordinance that would require public libraries to monitor and restrict access to certain content. This contradicts another article where she reports on efforts by library advocates to protect the freedom of expression in libraries.
  • There are two articles reporting on different incidents where law enforcement or authorities have acted improperly or unjustly. These incidents contradict each other in terms of the specific actions taken by the authorities and their consequences.




  • In another article, Mary LeBus reports on efforts by library advocates to protect the freedom of expression in libraries. This could be seen as an example of deceptive practices, as it implies that there is a threat to freedom of expression in libraries that may not actually exist.
  • Mary LeBus reports on a case where a man is accused of killing his three sons and then attempting to cover up the crime by disposing of their bodies. This could be seen as an example of deceptive practices on the part of the accused.

Recent Articles

Sundance Film Festival Considering New Home: Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boulder, Louisville, and Santa Fe Compete for Hosting Rights

Sundance Film Festival Considering New Home: Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boulder, Louisville, and Santa Fe Compete for Hosting Rights

Broke On: Friday, 19 July 2024 The Sundance Film Festival, a significant independent film event founded by Robert Redford, may relocate from Utah to one of six finalist cities: Atlanta, Boulder, Cincinnati, Louisville, Park City/Salt Lake City or Santa Fe. The decision will be based on each city's infrastructure and alignment with Sundance Institute values. The winner is expected to be chosen in early 2025.