Futurism News Site Description and Analysis Report (2021 Update)

Futurism News Site Description and Analysis Report (2021 Update) Futurism is a news site that covers futuristic technologies and their potential impacts on society. The site provides in-depth reporting on a variety of topics, including AI, space exploration, and environmental issues. While the site generally presents factual information, it has a tendency to sensationalize stories and exaggerate potential risks associated with new technologies. This can lead to confusion or misinterpretation of the facts by readers. Additionally, there is a moderate risk of conflicts of interest in articles related to AI technology, as the site may be more inclined to report on speculative or hypothetical scenarios in order to generate clicks and attract attention. Despite these issues, Futurism remains a valuable source of information for those interested in staying up-to-date on the latest developments in technology and their potential impacts on society.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • There is a tendency to use dramatic language and exaggerate potential risks associated with AI.
  • The site appears to have a slight bias towards sensationalism and alarmism when reporting on AI-related topics.

Conflicts of Interest



  • There is a moderate risk of conflicts of interest in some articles, particularly those related to AI technology and its potential risks.
  • This may be due to the site's focus on sensationalist stories and its willingness to report on speculative or hypothetical scenarios.




  • The site occasionally contains contradictory information within articles, particularly when reporting on scientific or technical subjects.
  • This may be due to a lack of fact-checking or a reliance on sensationalist language.




  • The site occasionally engages in deceptive practices, such as misleading headlines or sensationalist language.
  • This may be done to attract clicks or to create a sense of urgency around certain topics.

Recent Articles

  • China's Chang'e 6 Probe Brings First Samples from Far Side of the Moon to Earth

    China's Chang'e 6 Probe Brings First Samples from Far Side of the Moon to Earth

    Broke On: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 China's Chang'e 6 probe made history on June 25, 2024, by bringing the first samples from the far side of the moon back to Earth. The lunar mission touched down in April and spent over a month collecting samples before returning, providing valuable insights into the geological differences between the moon's sides.
  • Unexpected Coolant Leak Cancels Spacewalk for Astronauts Dyson and Barratt

    Unexpected Coolant Leak Cancels Spacewalk for Astronauts Dyson and Barratt

    Broke On: Monday, 24 June 2024 A coolant leak in astronaut Tracy Dyson's spacesuit forced the cancellation of U.S. spacewalk 90 on June 24, 2024, putting a halt to her and Mike Barratt's plan to repair a faulty electronics box outside the International Space Station.
  • Newly Discovered Anorthosite Boulder, Atoko Point, on Mars: A Potential Piece of Martian History

    Newly Discovered Anorthosite Boulder, Atoko Point, on Mars: A Potential Piece of Martian History

    Broke On: Saturday, 15 June 2024 NASA's Perseverance rover discovered a unique boulder named Atoko Point during its exploration of Mars' Jezero Crater. The light-toned, 18-inch wide and 14-inch tall boulder, located in Neretva Vallis, is primarily composed of pyroxene and feldspar. Scientists believe it may be an anorthosite, a rock type never seen on Mars before. Its discovery could provide insights into Mars' geology and potential similarities to Earth.
  • Microsoft's Controversial Recall Feature: Delayed Due to Security Concerns and Enhancements

    Microsoft's Controversial Recall Feature: Delayed Due to Security Concerns and Enhancements

    Broke On: Thursday, 13 June 2024 Microsoft's Recall feature, an AI screenshot tool for Copilot Plus PCs, faces a delay due to security concerns. The tool, which keeps data private on-device and was initially planned as an opt-in experience, has raised privacy concerns from experts. Microsoft is now planning to involve its Windows Insider community in testing the feature before release.
  • NASA Astronauts Conduct Spacewalks to Collect Microorganism Samples from ISS Exterior

    NASA Astronauts Conduct Spacewalks to Collect Microorganism Samples from ISS Exterior

    Broke On: Thursday, 13 June 2024 NASA astronauts Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Matt Dominick conduct a spacewalk on June 13, 2024, to collect microorganism samples from the International Space Station for scientific analysis. The first team retrieves faulty communications equipment and swabs the exterior for microbial studies in extreme temperatures. The second team, led by Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, focuses on repairs and maintenance on June 15. Findings could offer insights into life's origins on Earth and potential existence elsewhere.
  • Microsoft CEO Disputes Anthropomorphizing AI: A Tool, Not Human Intelligence

    Microsoft CEO Disputes Anthropomorphizing AI: A Tool, Not Human Intelligence

    Broke On: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella expresses dislike for anthropomorphizing AI and views it as a tool, contrasting with Google engineer Blake Lemoine who believed their AI was sentient. The debate on human-like AI continues, with questions surrounding its role in replacing humans in various industries.
  • Google I/O 2024: Unveiling Gemini 1.5 Flash and Pro, Project Astra, and Transforming AI Search with Grounding

    Google I/O 2024: Unveiling Gemini 1.5 Flash and Pro, Project Astra, and Transforming AI Search with Grounding

    Broke On: Wednesday, 15 May 2024 Google's I/O 2024 conference showcased the public preview release of Gemini 1.5 Flash and Pro models, offering improved speed and efficiency or superior general performance for AI tasks. Project Astra, Google's vision for future AI assistants, was unveiled alongside new custom Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) and Audio Overviews for NotebookLM. Google addressed concerns regarding potential impacts on the web economy while ensuring transparency and accuracy through adversarial red-teaming tests.
  • Unusual Audible Source Causes Last-Minute Cancellation of Boeing Starliner Launch with NASA Astronauts

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    Broke On: Monday, 06 May 2024 NASA astronauts' Boeing Starliner flight was abruptly called off due to an unusual buzzing sound from the Atlas V rocket's oxygen relief valve, prompting safety checks and rescheduling for at least next week. ValveTech, a NASA contractor, had previously warned of serious safety risks posed by a leaking valve in an oxygen tank.
  • China's Lunar Ambitions: Progress Towards Establishing the International Lunar Research Station

    China's Lunar Ambitions: Progress Towards Establishing the International Lunar Research Station

    Broke On: Wednesday, 24 April 2024 China is making progress towards moon exploration, with completed prototype production of major flight products and plans for scientific facilities around the lunar south pole by 2035. Inviting international partners, China aims to establish a robotic and eventually inhabited moon base called the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) for interdisciplinary research activities. An intriguing CGI video featuring a NASA Space Shuttle launch may be an oversight or attempt at humor, but China's commitment to lunar exploration continues.
  • CDC Study: No Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Cardiac Death Among Healthy Young Persons in Oregon

    CDC Study: No Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Sudden Cardiac Death Among Healthy Young Persons in Oregon

    Broke On: Sunday, 14 April 2024 A recent CDC study in Oregon found no link between COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna and sudden cardiac death among previously healthy young persons, based on an analysis of 1,300 death certificates. Only three deaths occurred within 100 days of vaccination out of the total number analyzed, none were attributed to the vaccine as a cause. Thirty young people in Oregon died from COVID-19 during the same time frame but most were not vaccinated.