Healthline Media Inc.

Healthline Media Inc. is a fast-growing health and wellness brand that aims to empower millions of people to live stronger, healthier lives. It reaches over 85 million people each month across its brand portfolios, including,,,, and


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The article uses language that dehumanizes those who consume sugar-sweetened beverages by referring to them as 'high sugar beverage consumption'
  • The author mentions that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in women and emphasizes how important it is for them to take care of their hearts.
  • The author quotes saying 'Individuals should be aware of the health risks associated with consuming sweetened beverages'

Conflicts of Interest



  • For some who are spreading this disinformation content around the raw milk is clickbait/rage bait designed to boost likes and comments, ultimately helping these creators' videos/content appear more highly in their community's algorithms...
  • Interest in raw milk is soaring, and some states are moving to legalize its commercial sale. This potential change in legislation challenges the long-standing advice to pasteurize milk...
  • The desire for less processing in food overall and the increased interest in homemaking on social media has also played a role in the trending of raw milk...




  • Body's balance of ghrelin and leptin is disrupted by poor sleep, leading to increased consumption of high-sugar and high-fat foods
  • Poor quality sleep can influence heart health
  • Sleep disorders like sleep apnea are closely linked to heart health




  • The article claims that plant protein is an important factor for healthy aging in women without providing any evidence or citation to back up this claim.
  • The article uses sensationalism by stating that those who eat more plant protein are free from chronic disease and have better mental health as they age.
  • There are no studies cited to support the author's statement that every 3% of daily calories from plant protein resulted in significant health benefits.

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