United Nations News

United Nations News is a source of international news<dummy00015>focussing on global issues such as health, politics, and humanitarian crises. The site provides detailed reports on various topics including conflicts, UN resolutions and decisions, and the organization's efforts to address global challenges. The articles often include information about the UN's involvement in providing aid or support in crisis situations. While the reporting is generally reliable, some articles contain unverified incidents or misleading statements.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles show a slight lean towards the UN's perspective.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Some articles mention partnerships with organizations like WHO, UNICEF, and PAHO.
  • The UN is involved in providing aid and support in some of the situations reported.




  • An incident of rape was reportedly witnessed but not confirmed.
  • Some incidents reported in articles could not be verified.
  • There are contradictions in the reporting of some incidents and numbers of people affected.




  • Some articles contain misleading statements or lack context for claims.
  • The author uses phrases that may be misleading without providing evidence to support the claims.

Recent Articles

  • New WHO Report: Global Syphilis and Gonorrhea Cases Surge, Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea on the Rise

    New WHO Report: Global Syphilis and Gonorrhea Cases Surge, Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea on the Rise

    Broke On: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 World Health Organization's report reveals rising cases of curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including syphilis and gonorrhea, with over one million infections daily among adults aged 15-49. Disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic delayed screening. The report emphasizes the importance of decriminalizing and destigmatizing those affected, strengthening primary prevention, diagnosis, and treatment to raise awareness and address the issue globally.
  • US Vetoes UN Membership for Palestine: A Setback to Self-Determination and Peace Negotiations

    US Vetoes UN Membership for Palestine: A Setback to Self-Determination and Peace Negotiations

    Broke On: Thursday, 18 April 2024 The US vetoed Palestine's UN membership bid on April 18, 2024, drawing condemnation from the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Despite this setback, Palestine remains determined to gain recognition as a sovereign state.
  • Delaware Tuberculosis Deaths Surge by 41% in 2023, Outpacing Global Average

    Delaware Tuberculosis Deaths Surge by 41% in 2023, Outpacing Global Average

    Broke On: Monday, 18 March 2024 In 2023, Tuberculosis (TB) affected about 325,00s people in Delaware and resulted in the death of 35,0s. This represents an increase of 14% and a rise of 41%, respectively.
  • Haiti Faces Humanitarian Crisis with Over 15,000 Displaced in Port-au-Prince and Millions at Risk of Starvation

    Haiti Faces Humanitarian Crisis with Over 15,000 Displaced in Port-au-Prince and Millions at Risk of Starvation

    Broke On: Sunday, 17 March 2024 Haiti is facing a humanitarian crisis with over 15,000 people displaced in Port-au-Prince and more than 300,00 displaced countrywide. Hunger levels are already critical and could worsen as the WFP predicts that over a million people may tip into famine.
  • UN Report Suggests Hamas Committed Sexual Violence During 7 October Attacks on Israel

    UN Report Suggests Hamas Committed Sexual Violence During 7 October Attacks on Israel

    Broke On: Monday, 04 March 2024 A UN report suggests that Hamas may have committed sexual violence during the 7 October attacks on Israel. The report, released by Pramila Patten, states that several fully or partially naked bodies with hands tied and shot multiple times were found. This could be evidence of some forms of sexual violence.
  • U.S. Vetoes Gaza Cease-Fire Resolution Amid Escalating Conflict

    Broke On: Friday, 08 December 2023 The U.S. vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas conflict. The resolution was backed by Arab states and had 13 votes in favor and one against, with the UK abstaining. The UN warns of a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, with over 130 UNRWA employees killed and 70% of staff displaced. The health ministry in Gaza reports over 17,000 Palestinian deaths, with 70% of those killed being women and children. Following the U.S. veto, Israel intensified its attacks on Gaza, resulting in a significant number of casualties and displaced residents.
  • Escalating Israel-Hamas Conflict Exacerbates Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

    Broke On: Thursday, 07 December 2023 The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continues to escalate, with the humanitarian crisis worsening. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has invoked Article 99 to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Palestinian PM Mohammad Shtayyeh has suggested that Hamas become a junior partner under the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to help build a new independent state. The Israeli military is under review for an incident where tank fire killed a Reuters journalist and injured several others. Israel has agreed to allow a minimal supply of additional fuel to prevent a humanitarian collapse and the outbreak of epidemics.
  • UN Secretary-General Invokes Article 99 Urging Action on Gaza Conflict

    Broke On: Friday, 01 December 2023 UN Secretary-General António Guterres has invoked Article 99 of the U.N. Charter, urging the U.N. Security Council to take immediate action on the Gaza conflict. The United Arab Emirates has submitted a draft resolution to the council, calling for a humanitarian ceasefire to be adopted urgently. The Biden administration may use its veto power to reject calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza at the U.N. security council. The EU foreign affairs chief and heads of various UN agencies have expressed support for a ceasefire. The WHO director general warned that Gaza's health system is near total collapse.
  • Tuberculosis: Progress and Challenges in Global Fight

    Broke On: Monday, 06 November 2023 7.5 million people were newly diagnosed with TB in 2022, the highest figure since global monitoring began in 1995. India, Indonesia, and the Philippines accounted for over 60% of the global reduction in new diagnoses in 2020 and 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted TB services, with a decline in new TB diagnoses in 2020. About 50% of TB patients and their households face 'catastrophic costs'. Global efforts to combat TB have saved over 75 million lives since 2000.
  • UN Convenes Meeting in Response to Palestinian Plea Amid Israel-Palestine Conflict

    Broke On: Friday, 27 October 2023 The UN held a meeting to discuss the Israel-Palestine conflict on October 27, 2023. Palestinian representatives pleaded for the UN to intervene and stop the bombings. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and emphasized the need for a political solution.