Physics World

Physics World is a platform that aims to communicate world-class research and innovation in physics and interdisciplinary science to a global audience. The website offers daily news, opinion, and analysis from an award-winning team of science writers and editors. The content is trusted, accurate, balanced, and thought-provoking while also reflecting the international and cross-disciplinary nature of scientific research. Physics World promotes a collective conversation that engages scientific audiences across borders and disciplines, helping scientists to promote their work to millions of researchers worldwide.


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Recent Articles

  • Unparalleled Cosmic Discoveries: The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory Begins Operations at the World's Highest Altitude

    Unparalleled Cosmic Discoveries: The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory Begins Operations at the World's Highest Altitude

    Broke On: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 The University of Tokyo Atacama Observatory (TAO), the world's highest astronomical observatory at 5,640 meters on Cerro Chajnantor in Chile, has begun operations. Its unique location offers exceptional clarity for cosmic studies due to minimal water vapor and a dry environment. Despite challenges during construction, including safety measures for workers and astronomers at high altitude, TAO's 6.5m infrared-optimized mirror will contribute to research on galaxy evolution, supermassive black holes, and planet formation.
  • Particle Physicists Propose Decade-Long Roadmap Featuring Muon Collider and Big Bang Research

    Broke On: Friday, 08 December 2023 Particle physicists propose building a revolutionary particle collider in the US that would collide muons. The panel also recommended exploring the feasibility of two new types of particle accelerators. The top priority is the Cosmic Microwave Background Stage IV project, which aims to look for indirect evidence of physical processes in the instant after the Big Bang.
  • Significant Advancements in Particle Physics: A Billion Collisions and Emergence of Magnetic Monopoles

    Broke On: Monday, 04 December 2023 Alice, the world's largest heavy-ion collider, has achieved its first billion collision milestone. Researchers at the University of Cambridge have used diamond quantum sensing to observe the emergence of magnetic monopoles in hematite, a type of iron oxide. A study has explored the use of encoder-decoder machine-learning models to reconstruct parton distribution functions (PDFs) of hadrons. Particle physicists have outlined a roadmap for the next decade in particle physics, suggesting building a revolutionary particle collider in the United States that would collide muons.
  • World's Smallest Particle Accelerator Successfully Fired Up

    Broke On: Wednesday, 01 December 2021 The world's smallest particle accelerator has been successfully fired up. The accelerator uses lasers to accelerate electrons within nanophotonic cavities. The technology could potentially make particle accelerators more accessible and affordable.