FantasyPros is an aggregator of fantasy sports expert advice and provides tools for drafting, managing teams and in-season management. They have a comprehensive directory of top fantasy sports professionals and provide exposure to their advice through various means.
The Daily's Verdict
This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.
- The article contains examples of bias in the form of political and religious bias.
Conflicts of Interest
- The author also mentions that FantasyPros↮ is an award-winning suite of draft tools, which could be seen as a potential conflict of interest.
- The author has a conflict of interest with their source as they are aggregating and rating fantasy sports expert advice from around the web. This creates an inherent bias in the article.
- Eduardo Rodriguez (SP – ARI) - The author states that Rodriguez is moving over to an elite defensive team with a good park. However, it is not clear if this will necessarily improve his pitching skills or make him more valuable in fantasy baseball.
- Shohei Ohtani (DH – LAD) - The author states that while Ohtani won't pitch this season, he will hit full time from the third spot in the best lineup in baseball which makes him a truly elite offensive option. However, it is not clear if Ohtani has been given an opportunity to play every day or if his position on the team is set in stone.
- Sonny Gray (SP – STL) - The author states that St. Louis has a good park and great defense, but this does not necessarily mean that it will be better for Gray than Minnesota's mediocre division. Additionally, while Grey should regress some from last year due to his HR/FB rate luck, the article fails to mention any other factors that could impact his performance.
- Eduardo Rodriguez (SP – ARI) - The author states that Rodriguez is moving over to an elite defensive team with a good park. However, it is not clear if this will necessarily improve his pitching skills or make him more valuable in fantasy baseball.
- Shohei Ohtani (DH – LAD) - The author states that while Ohtani won't pitch this season, he will hit full time from the third spot in the best lineup in baseball which makes him a truly elite offensive option. However, it is not clear if Ohtani has been given an opportunity to play every day or if his position on the team is set in stone.
- Sonny Gray (SP – STL) - The author states that St. Louis has a good park and great defense, but this does not necessarily mean that it will be better for Grey than Minnesota's mediocre division. Additionally, while Grey should regress some from last year due to his HR/FB rate luck, the article fails to mention any other factors that could impact his performance.