WGBH News is a news organization that focuses on providing in-depth coverage of various topics including education, local events, and social issues. The articles lean towards the perspectives of affected individuals and minorities, providing more details about their struggles and less about the reasons behind government actions. The site covers a range of topics such as politics, education, health care, technology, arts and culture. WGBH News also produces podcasts on various subjects including reparations in one of the oldest cities in America and college admissions.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The article seems to lean towards the family's perspective, providing more details about their struggles and less about the reasons behind the government's actions.
  • The articles lean towards the perspectives of affected individuals and minorities, providing more details about their struggles and less about the reasons behind government actions.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article seems to lean towards the family's perspective, providing more details about their struggles and less about the reasons behind the government's actions.




  • Applications from Black and Hispanic students have increased by 9 percentage points and 10 percentage points respectively.
  • Technical glitches related to the new federal student aid (FAFSA) form could affect where and whether students attend college, especially those from low-income families.




  • A landmark 2023 U.S. Supreme Court decision ended the consideration of race in college admissions. But one year after the ruling, research shows the number of students of color applying to four-year colleges has increased.
  • The numbers came as a relief to John King Jr., former U.S. education secretary under President Barack Obama...

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