
EchoLive is a news site based in Cork, Ireland. The site covers local and national news stories with a focus on human interest pieces. EchoLive has been publishing articles since 2019 and has a team of experienced journalists who cover topics such as politics, entertainment, sports, lifestyle, and more.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles contain examples of sensationalism in their headlines which misrepresent the content and create a false sense of hope for readers.
  • The articles focus on two vaccines without mentioning any other malaria vaccines that have been developed or are currently being used. This gives the impression that these two vaccines are the only solution to malaria when in fact there are multiple options available.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The articles contain an example of selective reporting as they focus on two vaccines without mentioning any other malaria vaccines that have been developed or are currently being used. This gives the impression that these two vaccines are the only solution to malaria when in fact there are multiple options available.




  • The articles contain an example of selective reporting as they focus on two vaccines without mentioning any other malaria vaccines that have been developed or are currently being used. This gives the impression that these two vaccines are the only solution to malaria when in fact there are multiple options available.




  • The articles contain an example of selective reporting as they focus on two vaccines without mentioning any other malaria vaccines that have been developed or are currently being used. This gives the impression that these two vaccines are the only solution to malaria when in fact there are multiple options available.
  • The articles use sensationalism in their headlines which misrepresent the content and create a false sense of hope for readers.

Recent Articles

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    Cameroon Introduces RTS-S Malaria Vaccine to Children: A Historic Moment in Fight Against Deadly Disease

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  • James Webb Space Telescope Detects Kilonova Explosion, Sheds Light on Creation of Heavy Elements

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