Breaking Defense is a news website covering breaking news on strategy and technology in global defense.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • Iran has proliferated ballistic missiles to all its proxies in the region and not just the Houthis, which means Tehran can use these proxies to target the bases and assets of the US and its allies all over the Middle East and North Africa region.
  • The growing relations in all fields, especially defense, between Iran, Russia, and China have raised concerns of an axis being developed that will challenge the U.S. and its Western allies globally.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Iran has proliferated ballistic missiles to all its proxies in the region.
  • The growing relations in all fields, especially defense, between Iran, Russia, and China have raised concerns of an axis being developed that will challenge the U.S. and its Western allies globally.




  • Iran has proliferated ballistic missiles to all its proxies in the region.
  • The growing relations in all fields, especially defense, between Iran, Russia, and China have raised concerns of an axis being developed that will challenge the U.S. and its Western allies globally.




  • Iran has proliferated ballistic missiles to all its proxies in the region.
  • The growing relations in all fields, especially defense, between Iran, Russia, and China have raised concerns of an axis being developed that will challenge the U.S. and its Western allies globally.

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