KTVZ NewsChannel 21

KTVZ NewsChannel 21 is a news station that provides accurate, reliable, and essential media to the Central Oregon community. They cover a variety of topics including local news, national news, world news, and some offbeat stories. The articles analyzed show no clear bias or conflicts of interest but do contain some deceptive practices in terms of oversimplifying complex historical issues. The station has been serving the community for 47 years and is committed to providing dependable news.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles show no clear bias.

Conflicts of Interest



  • No conflicts of interest were found in the articles.




  • An example of a contradiction found in an article is the dispute between Justices Thomas and Barrett in an article about the Supreme Court's approach on history and tradition.




  • Some deceptive practices found in the articles include statements that oversimplify complex historical issues and misleading use of terms like 'originalism'.

Recent Articles

  • Greenfield Tornado: A Community's Resilience Amidst Destruction - Grandma Dixie's Remarkable Recovery and Scientific Discoveries

    Greenfield Tornado: A Community's Resilience Amidst Destruction - Grandma Dixie's Remarkable Recovery and Scientific Discoveries

    Broke On: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 In Greenfield, Iowa, the EF-4 tornado leaves devastation and loss, but the community demonstrates resilience and unity in recovery efforts. Scientists collect rare wind speed data from the tornado, which is one of the deadliest this year with five fatalities and 35 injuries. As town meetings address concerns and representatives provide guidance, churches and nonprofits form a donations distribution system to support affected residents.
  • Justice Amy Coney Barrett Challenges Justice Clarence Thomas on the Use of History in Supreme Court Decisions

    Justice Amy Coney Barrett Challenges Justice Clarence Thomas on the Use of History in Supreme Court Decisions

    Broke On: Wednesday, 19 June 2024 Justice Amy Coney Barrett's recent dissents challenge Justice Clarence Thomas' reliance on historical evidence in Supreme Court decisions, potentially signaling a rift among originalists. In a trademark case, Barrett argued for generally applicable principles instead of relying solely on history. The disagreement between the two justices could lead to varying outcomes and implications for future cases.
  • Fossil Reveals Young Tyrannosaurs' Feeding Behavior

    Broke On: Friday, 08 December 2023 A 75-million-year-old Gorgosaurus fossil was found with its last meal still preserved inside. The fossil contained the hind limbs of two small feathered dinosaurs, indicating that young tyrannosaurs fed on different animals than their adult counterparts. The discovery sheds light on the scarcity of small and midsize dinosaur fossils, attributed to the hunting activities of young tyrannosaurs.