
PsyPost is an independent science news website that reports on research in psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, sociology and similar fields. The site aims to provide objective and reliable information about new research findings to the general public, mental health professionals and academic scholars. While the site generally maintains a high level of scientific integrity and impartiality in its reporting, some articles contain biased language or present one-sided arguments, shallow heuristics rather than robust understanding, deceptive statements or misleading headlines. The site is funded by displaying advertisements which may raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Articles cover a wide variety of important, interesting and overlooked studies, including those conducted by lesser-known institutions and those in emerging fields.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • Some of the articles rely on shallow heuristics rather than robust understanding, which can lead to potential bias.
  • The articles sometimes contain biased language or present one-sided arguments.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The website is entirely funded by displaying advertisements, which may raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest.




  • There were no instances of major contradictions found in the articles.




  • Some articles contain deceptive statements or misleading headlines.

Recent Articles

  • GPT-4 Passes Turing Test: A New Milestone in AI's Journey Towards Human-Like Intelligence

    GPT-4 Passes Turing Test: A New Milestone in AI's Journey Towards Human-Like Intelligence

    Broke On: Wednesday, 12 June 2024 OpenAI's language model, GPT-4, passed the Turing test with human participants mistaking it for another person 54% of the time during conversational tasks. This achievement highlights GPT-4's impressive theory of mind capabilities and understanding of human social interactions.
  • COVID-19 Linked to Long-Lasting Cognitive Deficits, Study Finds

    COVID-19 Linked to Long-Lasting Cognitive Deficits, Study Finds

    Broke On: Thursday, 07 March 2024 A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has linked COVID-19 to long-lasting cognitive deficits. Individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 once and those who were ill for longer had lower overall cognitive scores than those who never had COVID-19. People infected during the initial stages of the pandemic showed higher decreases in cognitive functioning compared to those infected with later variants, while greater decreases in cognitive functioning were seen among people with persistent symptoms and hospitalized individuals.
  • Screen Time Linked to Sensory Processing Differences in Children as Young as 12 Months Old

    Screen Time Linked to Sensory Processing Differences in Children as Young as 12 Months Old

    Broke On: Saturday, 13 January 2024 A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that each extra hour of daily screen exposure per day was associated with around a 20% increased likelihood of sensory processing differences after 18 months. Children who watched any television or DVDs at 12 months were twice as likely by age three to experience these issues, which can be seen in conditions like autism and ADHD. Parents should limit their child's screen time until they reach the age of three.