The Nevada Independent

The Nevada Independent is a nonprofit digital news organization that provides in-depth coverage of state and local government, campaigns and elections, the Nevada economy and business, education, health care, the environment, courts, immigration, and energy. They aim to hold those in power accountable and foster insightful conversations. The website offers content in both English and Spanish to serve the entire Nevada community. While they disclose their members and donors and have a strong commitment to transparency, there are occasional instances of biased language, contradictory information, conflicts of interest, and deceptive practices in their reporting.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The Nevada Independent occasionally uses biased language in their reporting.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The Nevada Independent discloses its members and donors, but there are occasional instances where conflicts of interest may exist and are not explicitly stated.




  • There are instances where The Nevada Independent reports contradictory information without clearly indicating the discrepancy.




  • The Nevada Independent occasionally uses deceptive practices in their reporting, such as misleading headlines or omitting important context.

Recent Articles

  • Justice of Peace Michele Fiore Indicted for Allegedly Misusing Charity Funds: 100% of Donations Supposedly for Police Statue Diverted to Personal Use

    Justice of Peace Michele Fiore Indicted for Allegedly Misusing Charity Funds: 100% of Donations Supposedly for Police Statue Diverted to Personal Use

    Broke On: Wednesday, 17 July 2024 Former Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore, now a justice of the peace in Nye County, was indicted on federal charges for allegedly misusing donations intended for a police officers' statue. The indictment accuses Fiore of converting funds to personal use instead of creating the statue as promised. She faces up to 20 years in prison on each count if convicted.
  • Nevada Constitutional Amendment to Protect Abortion Rights Qualifies for November Ballot

    Nevada Constitutional Amendment to Protect Abortion Rights Qualifies for November Ballot

    Broke On: Friday, 28 June 2024 Nevada voters will decide on a constitutional amendment in November to protect abortion rights up to fetal viability or for the pregnant patient's life and health. With over 127,000 signatures, the initiative aims to provide greater protection against potential future restrictions following Roe v. Wade's overturning.
  • Judge Dismisses Charges Against Nevada Republicans Falsely Declaring Trump 2020 Win

    Judge Dismisses Charges Against Nevada Republicans Falsely Declaring Trump 2020 Win

    Broke On: Friday, 21 June 2024 Judge Mary Kay Holthus dismissed charges against six Nevada Republicans who falsely declared Donald Trump as the winner of the state's 2020 presidential election. The judge ruled that state prosecutors had chosen the wrong venue for this case, as Clark County was not an appropriate jurisdiction. The defendants faced felony charges and were indicted in December 2023 for submitting certificates with false information to Congress. This dismissal marks the first time a case related to Trump's efforts to submit a false slate of electors has been dismissed.
  • Government Shutdown Averted for Now, but Hardliners Push Back on Short-Term Solution

    Government Shutdown Averted for Now, but Hardliners Push Back on Short-Term Solution

    Broke On: Monday, 15 January 2024 The government is facing a shutdown as Congress struggles to reach an agreement on funding. The latest deal reached by House and Senate leaders will keep the government funded until March, giving lawmakers more time to negotiate longer-term spending bills. However, hardliners in both parties are pushing back against this short-term solution.