Toledo Blade is a news site that covers local and national topics. It has an opinion section that often takes a conservative stance on political issues.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The article falsely claims that Jim Jordan has a privilege to thumb his nose at the House committee investigating the insurrection when in fact he was subpoenaed and had intimate knowledge of what happened on January 6th.
  • The article shows a clear bias against Hunter Biden and his refusal to testify by using terms like 'thumb his nose' and 'scorned Republicans'.
  • The author also uses a Trumpian tone when describing the situation.

Conflicts of Interest



  • However, the site has a potential conflict of interest by being owned by Toledo Blade Co. which may have political affiliations or interests.
  • The article does not show any conflict of interest.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming that Jim Jordan has a privilege to thumb his nose at the House committee investigating the insurrection when in fact he was subpoenaed and had intimate knowledge of what happened on January 6th.
  • The author also contradicts himself by only mentioning three Republican members who refused to testify rather than all those who did not comply with subpoenas.




  • The article is deceptive in its portrayal of Hunter Biden's refusal to testify and the reactions of Republicans.
  • The author uses selective reporting by only mentioning three Republican members who refused to testify rather than all those who did not comply with subpoenas.

Recent Articles

  • Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Before Congress, New Subpoena Issued

    Hunter Biden Agrees to Testify Before Congress, New Subpoena Issued

    Broke On: Tuesday, 16 January 2024 Hunter Biden, son of former President Joe Biden, has agreed to testify before Congress after initially refusing and setting conditions. The House Rules Committee will not consider a resolution to hold him in contempt as planned amid negotiations between Republicans and Hunter's legal team. If he agrees to testify under oath and answer questions related to the impeachment investigation, a new subpoena will be issued by the committees.