KGET TV 17 is a local news station providing weather updates, health tips, and coverage of upcoming space missions. The articles analyzed focus on various topics including summer heat and its relation to Earth's proximity to the sun, a visible SpaceX mission in Bakersfield, and colorectal cancer screening recommendations for individuals aged 45 or older. One article contains contradictory information about Earth's distance from the sun during aphelion and when it occurs. The station promotes Dignity Health in one of the articles, which raises a conflict of interest concern. Additionally, there is an instance of deceptiveness as one article does not provide a link to National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month or information on how people can get involved in raising awareness about colorectal cancer. The station's readability score is generally good, with articles being easy to understand and follow.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




No current examples available.

Conflicts of Interest



No current examples available.




  • At aphelion, Earth's distance from the sun is about 94.5 million miles
  • Earth reaches aphelion every July




  • No mention or link to National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month or how people can get involved in raising awareness about colorectal cancer
  • Promotion of Dignity Health for business features
  • The statement 'Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the United States' is not entirely accurate

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