The World

The World is a public radio program focused on global news and events, offering human-centered journalism that connects local issues to the global landscape. The site covers topics such as international relations, women and gender issues, the environment, migration and public health. The content often highlights unique perspectives from foreign observers and contextualizes global affairs for American listeners. While the site does not appear to have any direct conflicts of interest, it is funded by donations which may create potential conflicts. Articles sometimes use deceptive language or present misleading information.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The articles show a tendency towards highlighting the negative aspects of US support for Israel and criticizing its actions in Gaza.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The site is funded by donations, which may create a conflict of interest in presenting unbiased information.




  • The articles point out contradictions in the US government officials' resignations and beliefs about the impact of their support on Palestinian civilians.




  • The articles use language that can be misleading or deceptive, such as describing the impact of COVID-19 on children without providing full context.

Recent Articles

  • US Army Major Resigns in Protest of America's Unwavering Support for Israel's Actions Towards Palestinians: A Human Cost

    US Army Major Resigns in Protest of America's Unwavering Support for Israel's Actions Towards Palestinians: A Human Cost

    Broke On: Tuesday, 04 June 2024 Army Major Harrison Mann, a 13-year veteran and Jewish American, resigns in protest of the US' unwavering support for Israel's actions towards Palestinians, joining six other officials who have also resigned and dozens more who signed dissent cables. Mann's resignation highlights the human cost of the ongoing conflict and the need for a more nuanced approach to supporting Israel from the US government.
  • Long COVID and ME/CFS: An Opportunity to Fund Biomedical Research into Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses

    Long COVID and ME/CFS: An Opportunity to Fund Biomedical Research into Infection-Associated Chronic Illnesses

    Broke On: Thursday, 15 February 2024 Long COVID is a debilitating condition that affects millions of Americans and shares many symptoms with ME/CFS, a disease that has been neglected by the CDC. Long COVID may be triggered by persistent viral infection or immune dysregulation after SARS-CoV-2 infection, which also increases the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and multiple sclerosis. Children are not spared from the effects of long COVID, which can impair their health and development.