Sunrise House is a rehab center located in New Jersey that offers various treatment options for alcohol use disorder and related mental health issues. The site provides information about the facility, the amenities, the staff, and the testimonials of former patients.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • The article does not acknowledge the complexity of mental health issues and may stigmatize those who struggle with this condition.
  • The article uses biased language to portray alcohol use disorder as a chronic condition that can lead to cognitive impairment and dementia.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The article does not disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the content.
  • The article is sponsored by American Addiction Centers (AAC), a rehab company that may have financial interests in promoting their services.




  • The article claims that wet brain is a type of dementia or cognitive impairment caused by a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1). However, the condition can also be caused by other factors such as alcoholism and poor nutrition.
  • The article states that wet brain progresses in a specific pattern with Wernicke encephalopathy followed by Korsakoff's psychosis. This is not always true for all cases of wet brain, as some people may develop only one or both conditions without following this typical pattern.




  • The article contains some deceptive practices such as exaggerating the symptoms and progression of wet brain or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.
  • The article does not provide sufficient evidence or sources to support its claims.

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    Wet Brain: The Dangers of Alcoholism and Thiamine Deficiency

    Broke On: Monday, 26 February 2024 Wet brain, a type of dementia caused by thiamine deficiency due to alcohol abuse or other conditions such as malnutrition and certain medications. It is characterized by swelling in the brain leading to memory loss and confusion.