
A news website that covers local and national stories with a focus on headlines, video, quick links, top stories, politics, good day stateline, latest stories from The Hill. It also features trending now section with best deals of the week and what we are buying. Additionally it provides weather forecast and trending videos. However it seems to have a bias towards undocumented migrants as it claims that they were responsible for the first case of measles in Chicago without providing any evidence or context.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a poor reputation for journalistic standards and is not considered a reliable news source.




  • The article uses biased language to describe the migrants as undocumented and implies that they are responsible for spreading diseases.

Conflicts of Interest



  • . The article seems to have a conflict of interest with the advertisers as it promotes their products and services throughout the page. This is evident by the use of catchy headlines, flashy images, and links to other pages.




  • The article contradicts itself by claiming both a high number of measles cases in Chicago and a confirmed case of tuberculosis without providing any evidence or context.




  • . The article uses deceptive practices such as clickbait titles, sensationalized language, and incomplete sentences. This is evident by the use of exaggerated claims like 'increase to 57' without specifying how many were reported in previous years or providing any context for the increase.

Recent Articles

  • Measles Outbreak in Chicago's Largest Migrant Shelter: 53 Cases Reported, Unvaccinated Migrants Contributing to Spread

    Measles Outbreak in Chicago's Largest Migrant Shelter: 53 Cases Reported, Unvaccinated Migrants Contributing to Spread

    Broke On: Sunday, 07 April 2024 A measles outbreak in Chicago's largest migrant shelter has resulted in 53 cases, with many unvaccinated migrants contributing to the spread. Lack of thorough health screenings when new arrivals come from the U.S is a factor.