Seven Days Vermont LLC

Seven Days Vermont LLC is a local news site covering events and issues in Vermont. The site features a mix of news articles, opinion pieces, and community announcements. The reporting tends to focus on local politics, education, and social issues. Some articles may contain emotionally charged language or sensationalized content to increase readership. The site has a relatively high conflict of interest score due to its local focus and potential for protecting local interests. Articles may sometimes present one-sided arguments without providing context or opposing viewpoints.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site has a mixed reputation for journalistic standards. It is advisable to fact-check, scrutinize for bias, and check for conflicts of interest before relying on its reporting.




  • Some articles may sensationalize events to increase readership.
  • The articles contain emotionally charged language that may influence readers' opinions.

Conflicts of Interest



  • Some articles focus on local events and individuals, which could create a conflict of interest.
  • The news site is based in Vermont and may have local interests to protect.




  • One article mentioned that the simulation occurred at the Burlington police station, which contradicts students' claims of being caught off guard and not knowing it was a mock exercise.




  • Articles may present one-sided arguments without providing context or opposing viewpoints.
  • Some articles use misleading headlines or excerpts to draw readers in.

Recent Articles

  • Burlington Police Apologize for Mock Shooting Scenario that Distressed High School Students

    Burlington Police Apologize for Mock Shooting Scenario that Distressed High School Students

    Broke On: Friday, 07 June 2024 On June 7, 2024, Burlington Police Department apologized for a mock shooting exercise during a high school field trip visit to their station. Students were unexpectedly exposed to gunshot sounds and masked individuals, causing distress. The incident resulted from miscommunication between school and police officials about the planned scenario.
  • California Man Arrested for Burning Down Senator Bernie Sanders' Office in Vermont

    California Man Arrested for Burning Down Senator Bernie Sanders' Office in Vermont

    Broke On: Sunday, 07 April 2024 On April 7, 2024, a California man named Shant Soghomonian was arrested for setting fire to Senator Bernie Sanders' office in Burlington. The incident caused significant damage to the building and several employees were present when it broke out but no injuries were reported. Soghomonian is charged with using fire to damage a building used in interstate commerce.