
BulgarianMilitary.com is an online news platform that covers topics related to military affairs, defense technology, and security issues in Bulgaria and around the world. The site claims to provide free and independent journalism, but does not disclose its funding sources or owners. It also promotes itself as a platform for alternative views and voices that are rarely heard in the mainstream media.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site is known for its high journalistic standards. It strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. It has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




  • The site claims to provide free and independent journalism, but does not disclose its funding sources or owners. It also promotes itself as a platform for alternative views and voices that are rarely heard in the mainstream media.

Conflicts of Interest



  • The site does not reveal any conflicts of interest among its authors or sources. It also uses vague terms such as 'field sources' and 'anonymous sources' without providing any details or evidence.




  • The site's articles often contain contradictions between their headlines and the content of the articles. For example, one article titled 'Russian plant producing BMP-3 & BMD-4 IFVs faces risk of submersion' does not mention any risks or threats to the factory, but rather focuses on its achievements and diversity.




  • The site often uses deceptive practices to sensationalize or exaggerate its stories. For example, one article titled 'Russian plant producing BMP-3 & BMD-4 IFVs faces risk of submersion' uses dramatic language and images to create a false impression of danger.

Recent Articles

  • Historic Flooding in Russia and Kazakhstan: Orenburg Evacuation Underway as Ural River Bursts Its Banks Due to Snow Melt

    Historic Flooding in Russia and Kazakhstan: Orenburg Evacuation Underway as Ural River Bursts Its Banks Due to Snow Melt

    Broke On: Friday, 12 April 2024 Russia and Kazakhstan are currently facing historic flooding due to snow melt. Over 10,000 people have already been relocated from their homes in Orensburg, Russia as rising flood waters threaten the region. The peak flooding is expected on Friday.