CTV News Regina

CTV News Regina is a local news source covering events in Regina and surrounding areas. The site features various topics including weather updates, crime reports, and regional stories. It also includes sections for Indigenous Circle, Morning Live, and Wheatland Cafe which offers recipes and cooking tips. The site's articles often include multimedia content such as videos and images to enhance the reader's experience.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site is known for its high journalistic standards. It strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. It has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




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  • The debris was believed to be the trunk of a SpaceX rocket based on analysis by astronomers Jonathan McDowell and his collaborator from the University of Regina.
  • The ground track of the re-entry passed through Ituna, Saskatchewan, making it likely that debris fell there.




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Recent Articles

  • Unidentified Debris: The Mysterious Fall of Space Junk in Saskatchewan and Its Consequences

    Unidentified Debris: The Mysterious Fall of Space Junk in Saskatchewan and Its Consequences

    Broke On: Friday, 28 April 2023 Recent space debris incidents in Saskatchewan, Canada, have raised concerns about the responsibility of space-launching countries when their debris causes damage or harm on Earth. The country responsible for launching an object is liable for any damages under international agreements. SpaceX has been identified as a possible source of these debris incidents due to their constellation of over 5,000 satellites in orbit and trunk sections that do not burn up as expected during re-entry.