The Critic

The Critic is a news website that provides analysis and commentary on various topics including politics, international relations, and defense. The site focuses on providing unique perspectives and challenging conventional wisdom. It covers subjects related to NATO, European allies' defense spending, the role of the United States in global affairs, and geopolitical issues such as the decline of post-war Pax Americana and the rise of Russia and China.


The Daily's Verdict

This news site is known for its high journalistic standards. It strives to maintain neutrality and transparency in its reporting, and avoids conflicts of interest. It has a reputation for accuracy and rarely gets contradicted on major discrepancies in its reporting.




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Conflicts of Interest



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  • As of February, 18 out of the 35 NATO members were on track to reach the two percent benchmark this year.
  • European allies are also bound by Article V of the NATO treaty and should be prepared to come to the US defence in case of an armed attack.
  • Former President Trump may require NATO members to increase their defense spending from the required 2% to 3% of GDP.
  • Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg are among the countries furthest from meeting the two percent commitment.
  • The American defence industrial complex is larger than any European counterpart, potentially due to lack of incentive for Europeans to grow their militaries and industries.
  • The United States may consider encouraging allies to build larger militaries as part of a deal for them to increase defense spending.
  • The United States spends approximately three percent of GDP on defence.
  • Ukraine and European allies were reliant on American assistance during the war in Ukraine.




  • However, why couldn’t our NATO allies foot the bill and do more for the defence of their own continent?
  • This approach would empower allies to spend on their own defence, while responsibly pivoting to an America first foreign policy.

Recent Articles

  • Bipartisan Senators Urge Canada to Increase Defense Spending to Meet NATO Commitment

    Bipartisan Senators Urge Canada to Increase Defense Spending to Meet NATO Commitment

    Broke On: Thursday, 23 May 2024 A bipartisan group of US senators urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to increase defense spending to meet NATO's 2% GDP commitment, expressing concern that Canada, a key NATO contributor, will fall short. Despite pledging $40 billion for military modernization and purchases, Canada is projected to reach only 1.7% of GDP on defense by 2029. The senators emphasized the importance of NATO unity in facing security challenges and highlighted Canada's significant contributions.