Axiom Mission 3: Four Private Astronauts Arrive at ISS on Saturday

United States of America
Alper Gezeravci from Turkey is also making his first flight to space.
Loral O'Hara and Jasmin Moghbeli, both from NASA , will be on duty monitoring Dragon when it begins its automated approach and rendezvous.
Marcus Wandt of Sweden is making his first flight to space as part of Ax-3 mission, also making his first flight to space as part of Axiom Space.
The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Kennedy Space Center carrying four Axiom Mission 3 astronauts aboard the Dragon Freedom spacecraft.
Axiom Mission 3: Four Private Astronauts Arrive at ISS on Saturday

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off from Kennedy Space Center carrying four Axiom Mission 3 astronauts aboard the Dragon Freedom spacecraft. Credit: SpaceX

The seven-member Expedition 70 crew will welcome the third private astronaut mission from Axiom Space to the International Space Station on Saturday. The Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) mission lifted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday carrying four astronauts aboard the Dragon Freedom spacecraft.

Loral O'Hara and Jasmin Moghbeli, both from NASA , will be on duty monitoring Dragon when it begins its automated approach and rendezvous. Dragon will dock to the forward port on the station's Harmony module at around 4:19 a.m. EST on Saturday.

Marcus Wandt of Sweden is making his first flight to space as part of Ax-3 mission, also making his first flight to space as part of Axiom Space and Alper Gezeravci from Turkey is also making his first flight to space.



  • It is not clear if the Axiom Mission 3 has any specific scientific objectives or research that it will be conducting while on the ISS.



  • Unique Points
    • The Axiom-3 crew arrived safely at the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday morning.
    • Axiom Space was founded in 2016 by Michael Suffredini and Kam Ghaffarian. Their goal is to arrange private missions into space, chiefly the ISS but they are also developing spacesuits for NASA's future missions to the Moon.
  • Accuracy
    • Marcus Wandt of Sweden is a member of the Axiom-3 mission.
    • Alper Gezeravci131of Turkey is believed to have paid tens of millions of dollars for the privilege of spending a couple weeks in orbit.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (80%)
    The article contains examples of religious bias and monetary bias. The author uses language that dehumanizes people from certain countries by referring to them as 'axioms' rather than individuals. Additionally, the use of phrases such as 'all-European commercial crew' implies a preference for European citizens over others, which could be seen as discriminatory.
    • Axiom-3’s gorgeous approach to space station, now home to 11 people representing 8 countries! — Loral O'Hara (@lunarloral) January 21, 2024
      • The arrival of the Axiom-3 crew brings the total number of people aboard the ISS to 11. Over the next few weeks, they will conduct more than 30 science experiments and participate in some 50 outreach events with organizations back home.
        • The first all-European commercial crew to head for the International Space Station (ISS) arrived safely at the orbital outpost on Saturday morning.
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
          Trevor Mogg has conflicts of interest on the topics SpaceX, NASA, International Space Station (ISS), Commercial crew missions and Private citizens in space travel as he is affiliated with these organizations.
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
            Trevor Mogg has conflicts of interest on the topics of SpaceX, NASA, International Space Station (ISS), Commercial crew missions and Private citizens in space travel. He also mentions $$$$ for private space travel opportunities which could be seen as a financial tie.


            • Unique Points
              • Axiom Space was founded in 2016 by Michael Suffredini and Kam Ghaffarian. Their goal is to arrange private missions into space.
              • The crew of AX-3 (Private Mission 3) consists of Commander Michael Lopez-Alegrada, Pilot Walter Villadei, and Mission Specialists Marcus Wandt and Alper Gezeravci.
            • Accuracy
              • Marcus Wandt is believed to have paid tens of millions of dollars for the privilege of spending a couple weeks in orbit.
            • Deception (50%)
              The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that private individuals travelling to the International Space Station was as much science fiction as a time-travelling police box just a few decades ago. However, this statement is not accurate because there have been multiple successful missions of private astronauts to the ISS before 2024.
              • The article states that Axiom Space's goal is to arrange private missions into space and develop spacesuits for NASA's future missions to the Moon. However, it does not disclose any information about their previous successes or failures in this regard.
              • The author claims that private individuals travelling to the International Space Station was as much science fiction as a time-travelling police box just a few decades ago. However, this statement is not accurate because there have been multiple successful missions of private astronauts to the ISS before 2024.
            • Fallacies (85%)
              The article contains several fallacies. The first is an appeal to authority when it states that Axiom Space and their partnership with NASA are doing great things. This statement assumes that because a large organization like NASA is involved, the mission must be successful and beneficial without providing any evidence to support this claim.
              • Axiom Space and their partnership with NASA are doing great things.
            • Bias (100%)
              None Found At Time Of Publication
            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
              Mark Thompson has a conflict of interest with Axiom Space as he is reporting on their Private Axiom Mission 3. He also has a personal relationship with Michael Suffredini and Kam Ghaffarian who are involved in the mission.
              • Michael Suffredini and Kam Ghaffarian
                • Private Axiom Mission 3
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                  Mark Thompson has a conflict of interest on the topics Private Axiom Mission 3 and International Space Station (ISS) as he is an author for Universe Today which covers these topics.


                  • Unique Points
                    • Türkiye's first astronaut Gezeravcı begins operations at ISS
                    • Gezeravcı has commenced his groundbreaking work in the International Space Station (ISS) after SpaceX➷s Dragon spacecraft successfully docked with the station on Jan. 20
                    • The first Turkish astronaut Gezeravcı glided into the ISS and was welcomed by seven Expedition 70 crew members at a ceremony held for him and his teammates
                  • Accuracy
                    • The first Turkish astronaut Gezeravcı began operations at ISS
                    • Gezeravcı has commenced his groundbreaking work in the International Space Station (ISS) after SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft successfully docked with the station on Jan. 20
                  • Deception (50%)
                    The article is deceptive in several ways. Firstly, the author claims that Gezeravcı has commenced his groundbreaking work at ISS when he was actually a passenger on the Dragon spacecraft carrying Axiom-3 crew. Secondly, the author quotes Alper Gezeravcı as saying 'I would like to express my gratitude to Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms who founded the Republic of Türkiye and entrusted it to us, to all our martyrs who gave their lives for the homeland, to our state, which enabled us to step here with its strong will, and to our nation', but this statement is not relevant or accurate. Thirdly, the author states that Gezeravcı thanked his welcoming crew at ISS for hospitality and presented them gifts he brought from Türkiye without providing any context about these gifts.
                    • The article quotes Alper Gezeravcı as saying 'I would like to express my gratitude to Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms who founded the Republic of Türkiye and entrusted it to us, to all our martyrs who gave their lives for the homeland, to our state, which enabled us to step here with its strong will, and to our nation', but this statement is not relevant or accurate. This is deceptive because it implies that Gezeravcı holds a deep emotional connection with Atatürk and the founding of Türkiye.
                    • The article states that Alper Gezeravcı thanked his welcoming crew at ISS for hospitality and presented them gifts he brought from Türkiye without providing any context about these gifts. This is deceptive because it implies that the gifts have some significance or importance, but no further information is provided.
                    • The article claims that Alper Gezeravcı has commenced his groundbreaking work in the International Space Station (ISS) when he was actually a passenger on the Dragon spacecraft carrying Axiom-3 crew. This is deceptive because it implies that Gezeravcı is actively working at ISS.
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The article contains several fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by mentioning the names of famous figures such as Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and other historical figures without providing any context or evidence for their relevance to the topic at hand. Additionally, there is a dichotomous depiction of Turkey's past and present in the author's speech, which can be seen as inflammatory rhetoric. The article also contains an informal fallacy by using phrases such as
                    • Bias (85%)
                      The article contains a statement that is biased towards the author's country of origin. The sentence 'Türkiye's first astronaut Gezeravcı begins operations at ISS - Türkiye News
                      • Gezeravcı thanked the welcoming crew for their hospitality and presented them gifts he brought from Türkiye.
                        • The Dragon spacecraft carrying the Axiom-3 crew, which was launched on Jan. 19 at 12:49 a.m. from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, U.S., has successfully docked with the ISS on Jan. 20 at 1:42 p.m.
                        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication


                        • Unique Points
                          • This is the first all-European commercial crew to head for the ISS
                          • The Ax-3 mission includes robotics experiments with high-strength alloys for in-space construction and assemblies
                          • Marcus Wandt of Sweden has flown suborbitally aboard Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo Unity but this is his first trip to orbit
                        • Accuracy
                          • The combined crew of the International Space Station includes Morgensen (of Denmark), NASA astronauts Jasmin Moghbeli and Loral O'Hara of the U.S., Japan's Satoshi Furukawa, Russian cosmonauts Konstantin Borisov, Oleg Kononenko and Nikolai Chub.
                          • The Ax-3 crew includes Michael Lopez-Alegrada (who has dual U.S. and Spanish citizenship), Walter Villadei of Italy as mission commander, Marcus Wandt of the European Space Agency from Sweden as a mission specialist, Alper Gezeravcı from Turkey as a mission specialist.
                        • Deception (100%)
                          None Found At Time Of Publication
                        • Fallacies (85%)
                          The article contains an appeal to authority fallacy when it quotes Andreas Morgensen saying that the increased number of nationalities on board is a great testament to international collaboration. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by stating that this mission allows many more countries to participate in scientific research and technology development, which could be seen as an attempt to appeal to emotions rather than presenting facts.
                          • Andreas Morgensen said the increased number of nationalities on board is a great testament to international collaboration.
                        • Bias (85%)
                          The article contains a statement that doubles the number of nationalities on board the ISS. This is an example of monetary bias as it implies that countries with more resources are able to participate in space missions.
                          • ]This is really a symbol of how Axiom in conjunction with NASA and other partners is working to expand human access to low Earth orbit[
                            • We have doubled the number of nationalities onboard the space station going from four to eight,
                            • Site Conflicts Of Interest (50%)
                              Josh Dinner has a conflict of interest with SpaceX as he is an employee of the company. He also has a personal relationship with Michael Lopez-Alegria and Walter Villadei who are part of the Ax-3 mission.
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                The author has multiple conflicts of interest on the topics provided. The article discusses SpaceX and its involvement in private human spaceflight, which could be seen as a financial conflict of interest for the company. Additionally, the article mentions Axiom Space and Ax-3 mission without disclosing any affiliation with them.
                                • The article mentions Axiom Space and Ax-3 mission without disclosing any affiliation with them.
                                  • The author writes about how SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft successfully docked at the International Space Station (ISS) carrying an all-European crew. This could be seen as a conflict of interest for the company, which has financial ties to private human spaceflight.


                                  • Unique Points
                                    • The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center carrying four Axiom Mission 3 astronauts aboard the Dragon Freedom spacecraft
                                    • Marcus Wandt of Sweden is making his first flight to space as part of the Ax-3 mission
                                    • Alper Gezeravcui131of Turkey is also making his first flight to space as part of the Ax-3 mission
                                  • Accuracy
                                    • Marcus Wandt of Sweden is making his first flight to space
                                    • Alper Gezeravcui131of Turkey is believed to have paid tens of millions of dollars for the privilege of spending a couple weeks in orbit
                                  • Deception (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                  • Fallacies (85%)
                                    The article contains several logical fallacies. The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that the Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) mission is a private astronaut mission from Axiom Space and citing NASA as a source of information. This statement implies that because NASA has endorsed the Ax-3 mission, it must be legitimate and trustworthy. However, this does not necessarily mean that the claims made in the article are true or accurate.
                                    • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating that 'NASA had light duty on Friday ahead of a busy day of dual crew operations on Saturday.' This statement implies that because NASA is involved in the mission, it must be legitimate and trustworthy. However, this does not necessarily mean that the claims made in the article are true or accurate.
                                    • The author uses an appeal to authority by stating 'Lopez-Alegria had light duty on Friday ahead of a busy day of dual crew operations on Saturday.' This statement implies that because Lopez-Alegria is involved in the mission, it must be legitimate and trustworthy. However, this does not necessarily mean that the claims made in the article are true or accurate.
                                  • Bias (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                    None Found At Time Of Publication