Biden's Push for Supreme Court Reforms Amidst Allegations of Corruption and Bias

Austin, Texas United States of America
Allegations of corruption and influence peddling against President Biden
Critics argue Biden's push is an attempt to cater to left-wing base
Leonard Leo, conservative activist accused of financing politicians with business before the court
President Joe Biden advocating for Supreme Court reforms
Supreme Court under scrutiny for recent rulings on Roe v. Wade, climate rules, LGBTQ protections, gun regulations
Biden's Push for Supreme Court Reforms Amidst Allegations of Corruption and Bias

President Joe Biden recently visited the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act. During his speech, he quoted President Johnson's first address, emphasizing its significance in honoring President Kennedy's memory and passing civil rights legislation. However, Biden's push for changes to the Supreme Court has been met with criticism from both sides of the political spectrum.

According to reports, Biden and Vice President Harris are advocating for term limits, ethics rules, and other reforms in response to a perceived conservative bias on the court. Critics argue that this is an attempt to cater to the left-wing base of the Democrat party.

Meanwhile, some have accused President Biden himself of corruption and influence peddling. For instance, Leonard Leo, a conservative activist who helped Trump pick and install three justices on the Supreme Court – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett – has alleged that Democrats are the real corrupt actors.

Leo leads a dark money network that finances politicians and nonprofits bringing cases to the high court. He reportedly arranged private jet flights for Justice Alito paid for by a billionaire with business before the court, as well as secret consulting payments to Justice Thomas' wife.

The Supreme Court has been under scrutiny for its recent rulings, which have ended Roe v. Wade, rolled back climate rules, limited protections for LGBTQ Americans, and invalidated common gun regulations.

As the debate over court reforms continues, it is crucial to consider all perspectives and ensure that any changes made are in the best interest of the American people.



  • The extent of Biden's involvement in the alleged influence peddling by his associates
  • The validity of the allegations against Leonard Leo and his network



  • Unique Points
    • President Biden’s push to impose radical changes to the Supreme Court caters to the left-wing base of the Democrat party from an administration that was once billed as a
  • Accuracy
    • President Biden’s push to impose radical changes to the Supreme Court caters to the left-wing base of the Democrat party from an administration that was once billed as a
  • Deception (30%)
    The article contains selective reporting and emotional manipulation. The author quotes critics arguing that Biden's push for Supreme Court changes caters to the far-left base of the Democrat party, but does not provide any counterarguments or context from those who support these changes. Additionally, the author uses emotionally charged language such as 'radical,' 'gimmick,' and 'destroying' to manipulate readers' emotions against Biden and his policies.
    • Biden is trying to gin up his base with this gimmick.
    • The far-left calls to destroy the Supreme Court were answered first by a candidate desperate to save his failing campaign.
    • The move marks a nearly 180-degree pivot for Biden, who had generally bucked plans even from within his own party to make such changes to the high court.
    • President Biden walks down the steps of Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on July 17, 2024. (Susan Walsh/AP)
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (5%)
    The author uses language that depicts the far-left as radical and advocating for destructive actions towards the Supreme Court. She also mentions specific groups like Demand Justice and Fix the Court, which are funded by liberal billionaires, implying a negative connotation.
    • Biden is trying to gin up his base with this gimmick
      • President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris want to end-run the Constitution and destroy the Supreme Court because they can’t control it
        • The far-left calls to destroy the Supreme Court were answered first by a candidate desperate to save his failing campaign
        • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication
        • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
          None Found At Time Of Publication


        • Unique Points
          • Leo helped Trump pick and install three justices: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett.
          • Leo leads a dark money network that finances politicians and nonprofits bringing cases to the high court.
          • The Supreme Court has been on a rampage, ending Roe v. Wade, rolling back climate rules, limiting protections for LGBTQ Americans, ending college affirmative action policies, invalidating common gun regulations.
          • Leo reportedly arranged Alito’s seat on a private jet flight to Alaska paid for by a billionaire with business before the court.
          • Leo also reportedly steered secret consulting payments to Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife.
        • Accuracy
          • ]Leonald Leo accused Democrats of corruption[.
          • The Supreme Court has been on a rampage, ending Roe v. Wade, rolling back climate rules, limiting protections for LGBTQ Americans, ending college affirmative action policies, invalidating common gun regulations.[
        • Deception (30%)
          The article contains selective reporting as it only mentions the Supreme Court's decisions that align with the author's perspective and ignores those that do not. The author also makes emotional appeals by using phrases like 'lawless, right-wing policy factory' and 'destroying a court they disagree with'. Additionally, there is an attempt to manipulate emotions by implying corruption on the part of Democrats without providing any concrete evidence.
          • The Supreme Court has been on a rampage ending Roe v. Wade so that states can ban abortion; rolling back climate rules; limiting protections for LGBTQ Americans; invalidating common gun regulations; and allowing companies to provide thank-you payments to corrupt politicians.
          • Leo also suggests barring lawmakers from accepting payments for speeches, which Congress did three decades ago.
          • Leonard Leo suggests Democrats should focus on ‘the real corruption,’ and ends up disclosing his own best tricks for influencing judges
        • Fallacies (75%)
          The author makes an appeal to authority when he quotes Alex Aronson and characterizes Biden's proposal as a 'campaign to destroy a court that [Democrats] disagree with'. He also engages in inflammatory rhetoric by using the phrases 'lawless, right-wing policy factory', 'reliable servants of the far-right agenda', and 'destroying a court they don’t agree with'. The author also makes a dichotomous depiction by presenting only two options: either Democrats are trying to reform the Supreme Court due to concerns about undue influence or they are simply trying to destroy it because they disagree with its decisions.
          • Leonard Leo suggests Democrats should focus on ‘the real corruption,’ and ends up disclosing his own best tricks for influencing judges
          • Alex Aronson, executive director at the watchdog Court Accountability, says: ‘Leo’s mindset goes a long way toward explaining why Americans have lost so much faith in our Supreme Court. Rather than fulfill their oaths to the Constitution and serve as neutral ‘umpires’ as they pledged to do, Leo all but admits that the justices he and Trump installed have been reliable servants of the far-right agenda.’
          • Leo characterized Biden’s proposal as ‘a campaign to destroy a court that [Democrats] disagree with.’ He suggested that if Biden ‘were truly serious about ethics reform, then they would ban all gifts and hospitality of any kind to any public official in any branch of government, starting with Congress, where the real corruption is.’ (Gifts to lawmakers are already tightly restricted.) Leo also suggests barring lawmakers from accepting payments for speeches, which Congress did three decades ago.
          • If Democrats want to adopt an across the board ethics ban for all branches, I am in favor of that: no jets, no meals, no speaking honorariums, no gifts for anyone from anyone for any reason in any branch, starting with Congress.
        • Bias (5%)
          The author, Andrew Perez, demonstrates a clear political bias against the conservative justices and organizations such as the Federalist Society and George Mason University. He implies that these entities are corrupt due to their affiliations with conservative justices and their involvement in paying for judges to attend conferences and seminars. The author also suggests that Democrats should adopt an ethics ban, but only mentions specific restrictions for jets, meals, speaking honorariums, and gifts without specifying whether these restrictions should apply to all branches of government or just the judiciary.
          • GMU and the Federalist Society sent more than 100 federal judges on 251 trips from 2021-2022.
            • If Democrats want to adopt an across the board ethics ban for all branches, I am in favor of that: no jets, no meals, no speaking honorariums, no gifts for anyone from anyone for any reason in any branch.
              • Leo characterized Biden's proposal as a campaign to destroy a court that Democrats disagree with.
                • Leo has a close affiliation with George Mason University
                  • Leo suggests Democrats were destroying a court they disagree with.
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication


                  • Unique Points
                    • President Joe Biden traveled to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin on Monday afternoon to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act.
                    • Biden quoted Johnson’s first address, where he says, nothing
                  • Accuracy
                    • President Biden traveled to the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum in Austin on Monday afternoon to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act.
                    • Biden quoted Johnson’s first address, where he says, nothing
                    • President Biden’s push to impose radical changes to the Supreme Court caters to the left-wing base of the Democrat party from an administration that was once billed as a
                  • Deception (30%)
                    The author makes editorializing statements and uses emotional manipulation by quoting President Johnson's words to frame the issue in a certain way. She also engages in selective reporting by only mentioning the Supreme Court rulings that support her argument and ignoring those that don't. The article does not disclose any sources.
                    • The court made a ruling for one a former president. No other president in history has asked for this kind of immunity for criminal actions. And no president, no former president, not me, not one...
                    • President Johnson understood what President (Abraham) Lincoln understood in his own time, that the courts would determine the scale and scope, the scale and scope of our laws.
                    • If Democrats and the Biden White House were actually concerned about ethical violations, then they should ban any elected official from receiving any gifts, starting with Congress, where the real corruption is.
                    • Yet today, there is a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent.
                  • Fallacies (85%)
                    The author makes an appeal to authority by quoting President Johnson and Biden's statements. This is not a fallacy as long as the quotes are accurately represented and do not distort the meaning of the original statement. However, it does lower the score due to its repetitive nature.
                    • President Johnson understood what President (Abraham) Lincoln understood in his own time, that the courts would determine the scale and scope, the scale and scope of our laws.
                    • Biden quoted Johnson’s first address, where he says, nothing ‘could more eloquently honor President Kennedy’s memory (than the) earliest passage of the civil rights bill.’
                    • The president claimed the U.S. Supreme Court has ‘extremist’ views.
                    • Johnson wasn’t afraid to challenge the courts: he nominated Thurgood Marshall, who became the first Black person to serve as a Supreme Court Justice, Biden said.
                  • Bias (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication
                  • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                    None Found At Time Of Publication