Democratic Donors Raise Concerns Over Biden's Campaign After Poor Debate Performance: Will He Regain Their Support?

Washington D.C., District of Columbia United States of America
Democratic donors expressing concerns over Biden's campaign following poor debate performance
George Clooney calls for Biden to withdraw from race in op-ed
Ipsos poll shows drop in confidence in Biden's mental fitness after debate
Nancy Pelosi raises doubts about Biden's ability to complete term if re-elected due to age
Some high-dollar donors continue supporting Biden despite concerns
Democratic Donors Raise Concerns Over Biden's Campaign After Poor Debate Performance: Will He Regain Their Support?

In recent days, concerns have been raised among Democratic donors about the viability of President Joe Biden's campaign following his performance in the presidential debate against former President Donald Trump. According to multiple sources, some donors have expressed their dissatisfaction with Biden's debate performance and have threatened to withhold their funds unless he steps down as a candidate.

One major donor, George Clooney, went so far as to call for Biden to withdraw from the race in an op-ed published by The Atlantic. Clooney wrote that Biden's debate performance was 'terrible' and that it was time for him to step aside and allow the Democratic Party to nominate a new candidate.

Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, also raised doubts among donors with her comments on MSNBC about Biden's candidacy. Pelosi suggested that Biden may not be able to complete his term if re-elected due to his age.

Despite these concerns, some high-dollar donors have continued to support Biden. According to reports, the president invited donors into the White House for meetings and received nearly-million-dollar checks from tech entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other elites.

A recent Ipsos poll found that 28% of likely voters were confident in Biden's mental fitness to be president before the debate. Following the debate, this figure dropped to 20%. The poor showing in the debate has raised questions about whether Biden can win back those voters and secure enough support to win re-election.

The uncertainty surrounding Biden's campaign has led some donors to pause their contributions or seek alternative ways to support Democratic candidates. For example, Gideon Stein, president of Moriah Fund, paused on over $3m in planned donations until Biden is removed from the equation.

As the race for the White House heats up, it remains to be seen whether Biden can regain the trust and support of Democratic donors or if they will continue to look for alternative candidates. One thing is certain: The outcome of this election could hinge on which side is able to secure enough funding to get their message out and mobilize voters.



  • Is it accurate that some donors have threatened to withhold funds unless Biden steps down?
  • Is it true that Pelosi suggested Biden may not be able to complete term if re-elected due to age?



  • Unique Points
    • President Joe Biden is struggling to raise money from both small and large donors following his poor debate performance against former President Donald Trump.
    • Some fundraisers have been canceled and some donors have threatened to withhold donations until Biden drops out.
    • Small-dollar fundraising has also dipped, with the campaign projecting a drop of at least 20 to 25 percent in grassroots fundraising for the rest of the month.
    • High-dollar donors are also expressing discontent and some have pledged money to help fund a mini-primaries to replace Biden.
    • Actor George Clooney and director Rob Reiner have expressed concerns about Biden’s performance in the debate.
  • Accuracy
    No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
  • Deception (30%)
    The article makes several assertions about the decline in Biden's fundraising without providing any concrete evidence to support these claims. The article quotes multiple anonymous sources stating that 'money has started to dry up' and that 'some donors have threatened to withhold donations.' However, there is no mention of any specific data or figures to back up these claims. Additionally, the article states that 'grassroots fundraising has also dipped in recent days,' but again, no data is provided. The article does mention that the Biden campaign had brought in $38 million in small-dollar donations following the debate, but it later states that there have been 'massive revisions downward' for grassroots fundraising. This contradiction raises questions about the reliability of the information presented in the article. The article also quotes a Democratic operative stating that 'they are hoping they can be bailed out by grassroots donors,' but again, no data is provided to support this claim.
    • President Joe Biden is quickly losing access to the money he will need to stay in the presidential race as a growing number of prominent Democratic officials and donors call for him to drop out.
    • The erosion of financial support is an existential threat to Biden’s reelection campaign.
    • Some fundraisers have been canceled, while some donors have threatened to withhold donations until the president drops out.
  • Fallacies (75%)
    The article contains several instances of appeals to authority and inflammatory rhetoric. The author relies on unnamed sources to make claims about the president's fundraising struggles and quotes critical statements from Democratic donors and advisers without providing any context or counterarguments. This creates an imbalanced perspective that may be misleading for readers. Additionally, the author uses inflammatory language such as 'disastrous debate performance,' 'massive problem,' and 'existential threat' to create a sense of urgency and alarm, which may influence readers' perceptions without providing any objective analysis or evidence.
    • Money has started to dry up following his disastrous debate with former President Donald Trump
    • Some fundraisers have been canceled, while some donors have threatened to withhold donations until the president drops out
    • The erosion of financial support is an existential threat to Biden’s reelection campaign
  • Bias (75%)
    The article expresses a clear bias towards the idea that President Biden's fundraising is 'cratering'. The author uses phrases like 'massive problem', 'erosion of financial support', and quotes multiple sources expressing concern over the president's inability to raise funds. While it is true that some Democratic officials and donors have expressed dissatisfaction with Biden's performance, the article does not provide any counterbalancing perspectives or facts to suggest that this is a widespread issue among all Democrats.
    • But after the initial small-dollar spike, the Biden operation is now having to make ‘massive revisions downward’ for grassroots fundraising.
      • President Joe Biden is quickly losing access to the money he will need to stay in the presidential race as a growing number of prominent Democratic officials and donors call for him to drop out.
        • Some fundraisers have been canceled, while some donors have threatened to withhold donations until the president drops out.
          • The erosion of financial support is an existential threat to Biden’s reelection campaign
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Democratic donors are holding back funds due to concerns about President Joe Biden’s candidacy following his debate performance.
            • George Clooney, a major Biden supporter and donor, called for him to withdraw from the presidential race in an op-ed.
            • Nancy Pelosi’s comments on MSNBC raised doubts among donors about Biden’s candidacy.
          • Accuracy
            • Major donations have slowed since the debate.
          • Deception (30%)
            The article contains selective reporting as it only reports details that support the authors' position about Democratic donors holding back funds for Biden's campaign. It does not mention any counterarguments or evidence of continued support for Biden. The article also uses emotional manipulation by describing donors as 'anxious,' 'frustrated,' and 'worried.'
            • But that hasn’t calmed everyone’s nerves.
            • Democratic donors are deeply concerned about President Joe Biden’s viability as a candidate... Donors often operate behind the scenes and, according to sources, have grown increasingly anxious about Biden’s candidacy following his halting debate performance last month.
            • The Clooney op-ed, the strategist said, is ‘going to sting.’
            • A Democratic fundraiser told CNN that July was the best start to any month ever for grassroots fundraising. They added that several donors maxed out in the past few days and that the Biden-Harris campaign had several fundraisers across the country this month alone.
          • Fallacies (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Bias (75%)
            The article expresses concern and anxiety from Democratic donors about President Biden's candidacy following his debate performance. The authors quote several sources expressing their concerns and frustration with Biden's performance. While the article does not explicitly demonstrate bias, it does present a disproportionate number of quotes reflecting a negative view of Biden's candidacy.
            • A Democratic fundraiser told CNN, adding that small dollar donations are proceeding at pace, but noted the campaign is too vast to live on small donations alone.
              • And on Wednesday, George Clooney...took the remarkable step of publicly calling for him to bow out of the presidential race.
                • Democratic donors are deeply concerned about President Joe Biden’s viability as a candidate
                • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication
                • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                  None Found At Time Of Publication


                • Unique Points
                  • Democratic Party donors suspended their contributions to organizations aligned with Biden’s campaign due to his performance in the debate.
                  • Abigail Disney, an heiress to the Disney family fortune, warned that Democrats will lose if Biden does not step down as a presidential contender.
                  • Gideon Stein, president of Moriah Fund, paused on over $3m in planned donations unless Biden is removed from the equation.
                  • Ipsos poll found that 28% of likely voters were confident in Biden’s mental fitness to be president before the debate. Following the debate, this figure dropped to 20%.
                  • Biden invited donors into the White House for meetings and received nearly-million-dollar checks from tech entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and other elites.
                • Accuracy
                  • President Biden is seeking money from wealthy Democratic Party backers to continue funding his re-election campaign.
                • Deception (30%)
                  The author Belén Fernández uses emotional manipulation by implying that the power and influence of America's donor class is a 'shameless plutocracy euphemised as democracy', where 'the people's will could not matter less'. She also uses selective reporting by focusing on the perceived incompetence of President Biden based on his debate performance, while ignoring more egregious political transgressions. The author also makes a false equivalence between Biden's alleged incompetence and that of other presidents like Trump and Bush.
                  • In Biden’s case, though, it is noteworthy that the president’s alleged incompetence was only elevated to the status of Very Important Issue when donors got their panties in a bunch.
                  • These include Trump himself and George W Bush, the latter the source of the thought-provoking assertion: ‘Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?’
                  • Beyond the straightforward financial manipulation of US democracy, of course, there is also the even shadier business of dark money...
                  • It is just another reminder of the inordinate power and influence wielded by America’s donor class in a shameless plutocracy euphemised as democracy where voting and other democratic charades barely conceal a reality in which the people’s will could not matter less.
                • Fallacies (75%)
                  The author commits an appeal to emotion fallacy by using inflammatory language and emotional appeals to manipulate the reader's emotions towards the issue of campaign finance in US elections. The author also makes a dichotomous depiction by presenting two extreme options - 'people's will or donors' will?' - without acknowledging any nuance or alternative possibilities. Lastly, there is an instance of hyperbole when the author states that 'voting and other democratic charades barely conceal a reality in which the people’s will could not matter less.'
                  • It is just another reminder of the inordinate power and influence wielded by America’s donor class in a shameless plutocracy euphemised as ‘democracy’ – where voting and other democratic charades barely conceal a reality in which the people’s will could not matter less.
                  • An analysis published by OpenSecrets in March indicated an ‘unprecedented surge’ in dark money in the 2023-24 election cycle, with contributions from dark money groups and shell companies ‘outpacing all prior elections.’
                  • Now, with obscene sums of money swirling around the field of campaign finance and general political influence-buying, one cannot help but think about all the other things that could be done with such funds – like improve the disastrous state of education and housing in the US or overhaul a healthcare system that is literally killing people.
                  • The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.
                • Bias (0%)
                  The author expresses a clear ideological bias against the influence of wealth and power in politics, using strong language to depict the donor class as 'folks with monetary capital who effectively reign' and a 'shameless plutocracy euphemised as democracy'. The author also makes disproportionate use of examples that reflect this position, such as the suspension of donations by wealthy individuals due to Biden's debate performance and the influence of dark money in elections. The author also uses language that depicts those with wealth and power in a negative light, such as 'inviability as a candidate', 'big money controls the US government', and 'obscene sums of money swirling around the field of campaign finance'.
                  • dark money industry is pretty much to thank for producing the most conservative court in nearly a century
                    • folks with monetary capital who effectively reign
                      • it is just about the most unhidden conspiracy ever.
                        • plutocratic operations have become so normalised a part of the political landscape that hardly anyone bats an eye when we talk about millions being flung around here and there in order to affect electoral outcomes
                          • shameless plutocracy euphemised as democracy
                            • the folks with monetary capital who effectively reign
                              • the people's will could not matter less.
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication


                              • Unique Points
                                • Democratic donors are expressing concerns about campaign funds ‘drying up’
                                • Joe Biden is holding on to the Democratic nomination
                              • Accuracy
                                No Contradictions at Time Of Publication
                              • Deception (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Fallacies (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Bias (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication
                              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
                                None Found At Time Of Publication


                              • Unique Points
                                • President Biden reassured wealthy donors during a private call that their support matters.
                                • Some major donors are warning that the party will lose the White House and down-ballot races with Biden atop the ticket and have been pushing for him to step aside, threatening to withhold their cash unless that happens.
                              • Accuracy
                                • President Biden is seeking money from wealthy Democratic Party backers to continue funding his re-election campaign.
                                • Despite his need for their financial support, some wealthy Democrats have been calling for him to end his bid for re-election.
                                • Biden reassured wealthy donors during a private call that their support matters.
                              • Deception (50%)
                                The author, Kenneth P. Vogel, presents contradictory messages about President Biden's stance towards wealthy donors. In the article body, he states that Biden is pushing back against rich Democrats who want him to end his campaign and casting them as part of an unelected political elite trying to subvert the will of voters. However, hours later, Biden reassured these same wealthy donors during a private call that their support matters. This contradiction can be considered deceptive as it presents two opposing messages about Biden's stance towards wealthy donors within the same article.
                                • The president is still seeking money from wealthy contributors even as he casts them as part of an unelected political elite trying to subvert the will of voters.
                                • But hours later, Mr. Biden joined a private call with his top donors and fund-raisers to reassure them. “It matters,” he told them of their support.
                              • Fallacies (85%)
                                The author, Kenneth P. Vogel, uses a contradictory message fallacy by reporting that President Biden is pushing back against wealthy Democrats who want him to end his campaign while also reassuring them of their importance in funding his campaign. This creates a confusing and inconsistent narrative.
                                • ][The president is still seeking money from wealthy contributors even as he casts them as part of an unelected political elite trying to subvert the will of voters.][][But hours later, Mr. Biden joined a private call with his top donors and fund-raisers to reassure them. “It matters,” he told them of their support.][][In order to continue to fund his presidential campaign, Mr. Biden will most likely need the support of wealthy Democratic Party backers, but they have been among the loudest voices calling for him to end his bid for re-election.]
                              • Bias (95%)
                                The author, Kenneth P. Vogel, demonstrates a clear bias towards portraying wealthy Democratic Party backers in a negative light by repeatedly referring to them as 'loudest voices calling for him to end his bid for re-election' and 'major donors warning that the party will lose the White House and down-ballot races with Mr. Biden atop the ticket'. The author also quotes anonymous sources stating that these donors have been 'pushing... publicly for him to step aside' and are threatening to withhold their cash unless he does so. This bias is further demonstrated when the author states that 'Mr. Biden has also publicly cast the backlash from major donors as a sign that he is sticking up for regular people against moneyed interests'. By using language such as 'moneyed interests' and implying that wealthy donors are trying to subvert the will of voters, the author is depicting them in an unfavorable light.
                                • A growing chorus of donors has been pushing... publicly for him to step aside
                                  • major donors have been among the loudest voices calling for him to end his bid for re-election.
                                    • Mr. Biden has also publicly cast the backlash from major donors as a sign that he is sticking up for regular people against moneyed interests.
                                    • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                      None Found At Time Of Publication
                                    • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                                      None Found At Time Of Publication