Kamala Harris Rallies Democratic Party After Biden's Disappointing Debate Performance

Washington D.C., District of Columbia, USA United States of America
Harris reassured officials and reminded them of Biden's record and agenda
She emphasized the stark contrast between the two candidates in a campaign event focused on Latino voters
Some within the Democratic party discussed the possibility of replacing Biden with Harris as a potential candidate
Vice President Kamala Harris rallied Democratic Party after President Joe Biden's disappointing debate performance
Kamala Harris Rallies Democratic Party After Biden's Disappointing Debate Performance

In a dramatic turn of events, Vice President Kamala Harris leapt to President Joe Biden's defense following his disappointing debate performance late on Thursday night. As the president grappled with criticism and panic within the Democratic party, Harris took it upon herself to reassure officials and remind them of Biden's record and agenda. In a show of solidarity, she also participated in previously scheduled interviews and phone calls with campaign officials to maintain morale.

Harris' efforts didn't stop there. She made a point to emphasize the stark contrast between the two candidates during a campaign event focused on Latino voters in Las Vegas. She stated, “There are three things that were true yesterday before the debate that are still true today. Let’s level set on this. First, the stakes of this race could not be higher. Second, the contrast in this election could not be more stark. And third, we believe in our President Joe Biden, and we believe in what he stands for.”

Despite Harris' efforts to rally support for Biden and downplay the impact of his debate performance, some within the Democratic party have begun discussing the possibility of replacing him on the ticket. If Biden were to step aside, Harris would likely be one of several potential candidates vying for the presidential nomination.

In addition to her recent efforts to defend Biden, Harris has been working diligently on other fronts. She has taken on a more prominent role in discussing reproductive rights and other key issues for the Biden campaign. Her revamped energy and ability to connect with voters have been on full display in recent speeches.

As Harris continues to navigate her role as vice president, she faces the ongoing challenge of distinguishing herself from the president while remaining a loyal ally. Her ability to balance this delicate tightrope will likely play a significant role in determining her political future and the outcome of the upcoming election.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris has been working tirelessly to support President Joe Biden following his lackluster debate performance. She has taken steps to reassure Democratic officials, emphasize the contrast between the two candidates, and defend Biden's record and agenda. Despite these efforts, some within the party have begun discussing the possibility of replacing Biden with Harris as a potential candidate. Harris continues to work on distinguishing herself from the president while remaining a loyal ally in this high-stakes race for the White House.



  • Is it confirmed that some within the Democratic party have discussed replacing Biden with Harris as a potential candidate?



  • Unique Points
    • Harris is laboring under a de facto mandate to defend Biden.
    • Her role was to project confidence and recognize the weak debate performance.
    • Biden acknowledged that it was not his best performance during a campaign rally on Friday afternoon.
  • Accuracy
    • Joe Biden's debate performance was described as 'shaky' or 'stumbling' in some articles, while others stated that Democrats were 'panicked' and considering alternative candidates to replace him. However, not all articles mentioned Harris as a potential replacement.
    • The role of Harris was described as projecting confidence and recognizing the weak debate performance of Biden, but one article suggested that she had eased into her role especially in defending abortion rights. This could be seen as contradictory if taken literally.
    • Biden's age was mentioned in some articles as a challenge for Democrats, while others stated that his shaky debate performance shocked even his staunchest supporters. These statements could be seen as contradictory if taken literally, but they are likely referring to the same issue from different perspectives.
  • Deception (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Fallacies (100%)
    None Found At Time Of Publication
  • Bias (95%)
    The article does not contain any clear examples of bias towards a specific political ideology, religion, or monetary interest. However, the author does use language that depicts some Democratic politicians and their actions in a positive light and others in a negative light without providing any context or justification for these assessments. This could be seen as an attempt to sway readers' opinions. The author also quotes several Democratic strategists and allies of Kamala Harris making critical statements about other potential Democratic candidates, which could be perceived as disproportionate in number and reflecting a specific position.
    • Some allies of the first Black and South Asian woman to be vice president fumed Friday about the lack of attention Harris drew as a possible replacement – not a surrogate – for Biden, passed over in the Beltway chatter for the likes of Newsom, Whitmer and even Govs. JB Pritzker of Illinois and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania.
      • Their frustration is unlikely to translate into an aggressive push for a change atop the ticket, as they are painfully aware that even acknowledging the possibility Biden might step away would spark a potential feeding frenzy.
        • There are no plans for Harris to go on a Biden defense tour, aides said. She is instead focused on fundraising in the coming days, where she will be in contact with now-jittery donors who are expected to bankroll Biden’s reelection.
          • There’s also the fact that Harris, despite a rocky couple of years in the polls, still has the highest name ID of any plausible Biden replacement. A recent POLITICO poll found that 41 percent of Democratic voters chose Harris as a hypothetical 2028 nominee.
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (0%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • During a debate, Biden fumbled an attack on Trump over Republican bans on the procedure. It was Harris who came to his defense first in a pair of interviews following the debate.
            • Despite negative press and challenging policy portfolio, Harris has eased into her role as vice president especially in defending abortion rights.
          • Accuracy
            • Joe Biden's debate performance was not his best (Article and OtherArticles)
            • Kamala Harris is a possible contender to replace Biden as Democratic nominee (OtherArticles)
            • Biden acknowledged that it was not his best performance during a campaign rally on Friday afternoon (OtherArticles)
            • RealClearPolling averages show Trump leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points in a potential matchup (OtherArticles)
          • Deception (30%)
            The article contains selective reporting as it only mentions the low approval ratings of Kamala Harris without providing any context or mentioning her accomplishments during her tenure as vice president. The author also uses emotional manipulation by implying that Democrats are 'traumatized' by Hillary Clinton's loss to Trump in 2016 and that they 'rallied behind Biden over a younger, more diverse and progressive field of candidates'. This is an attempt to elicit an emotional response from the reader. The article also contains sensationalism with phrases such as 'panicked some are searching for an alternative' and 'grave threat to American democracy'. Lastly, the author uses editorializing by stating her own opinion that Democrats have yet to fully embrace Harris as Biden's heir apparent.
            • Despite a rocky start to her tenure, Harris has eased into the role, especially since becoming the administration’s leading voice on abortion rights.
            • Democrats, traumatized by Hillary Clinton’s loss to Trump in 2016, rallied behind Biden in 2020 over a younger, more diverse and progressive field of candidates that included Harris.
          • Fallacies (80%)
            The author makes an appeal to authority by mentioning the opinions of Tanzina Vega and Bakari Sellers. The author also uses inflammatory rhetoric by describing Trump as a 'grave threat to American democracy' and Republicans as seeking to make Harris a 'boogyman'.
            • Democrats, traumatized by Hillary Clinton’s loss to Trump in 2016, rallied behind Biden in 2020 over a younger, more diverse and progressive field of candidates that included Harris.
            • , writer Tanzina Vega, said on X.
            • Republicans have sought to make Harris a boogyman.
            • You’re not nominating Gretch or Gavin or Wes over Kamala. Stop it.
            • Choice is Trump, Biden or couch. I choose Joe.
          • Bias (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication
          • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
            None Found At Time Of Publication


          • Unique Points
            • Kamala Harris is a possible contender to replace Joe Biden as Democratic nominee due to her younger age and automatic succession if Biden resigns
            • Harris has faced criticism for not having a larger role in Biden administration and her handling of border crisis
            • Less than 40% of Americans approve of Harris’ job as vice president, while nearly half disapprove
          • Accuracy
            • Joe Biden had a troubling debate performance against Donald Trump on Thursday night
            • Biden is the oldest president in US history, and concerns about his age exploded after he struggled during the debate
            • RealClearPolling averages show Trump leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points in a potential matchup
          • Deception (35%)
            The article makes selective reporting by only discussing polls that show Vice President Kamala Harris losing to Donald Trump if she were to replace Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee. It does not mention any polls that show a different outcome or provide context about the sample size or methodology of the polls mentioned. This is deceptive because it gives readers a skewed perception of Harris' chances against Trump.
            • RealClearPolling averages show that limited surveys suggest that Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than Biden if she were to run against Trump.
            • The former president leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points, with 49.3 percent support to the Democrat’s 42.7 percent.
          • Fallacies (75%)
            The author makes an appeal to polls multiple times in the article, implying that they hold significant weight in determining the outcome of an election. However, polls are not infallible and can be influenced by various factors such as sampling bias or methodology. Therefore, relying too heavily on them can be considered a fallacy known as 'hasty generalization'. Additionally, the author mentions that Harris has been widely criticized for her performance in office but fails to provide any specific examples or evidence of these criticisms. This can be considered a fallacy known as 'lack of evidence'.
            • ][The author] RealClearPolling averages show that limited surveys suggest that Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than Biden if she were to run against Trump. The former president leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points, with 49.3 percent support to the Democrat’s 42.7 percent.[/]
            • [][The author] Polls show that Harris’ reputation has struggled to recover from the missteps of her early days. Her approval rating, like Biden and Trump’s, is underwater.[
          • Bias (90%)
            The author expresses a clear bias towards the idea that Kamala Harris would have a disadvantage in running against Donald Trump compared to Joe Biden. The author states multiple times that polls suggest Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than Biden and provides specific numbers to support this claim. This is an example of monetary bias, as the author seems to be implying that the polling data is more important or reliable when it comes to a potential matchup between Trump and Harris compared to Biden.
            • RealClearPolling averages show that limited surveys suggest that Harris has an even bigger disadvantage than Biden if she were to run against Trump.
              • The former president leads Harris by 6.6 percentage points, with 49.3 percent support to the Democrat’s 42.7 percent.
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Harris went to bat for President Biden after his disappointing debate performance
                • Staff made phone calls to reassure Democratic officials and remind them of Biden’s record and agenda
                • Harris argued for unity during a campaign event focused on Latino voters in Las Vegas
              • Accuracy
                • Biden acknowledged that it was not his best performance during a campaign rally on Friday afternoon.
                • Harris is laboring under a de facto mandate to defend Biden.
                • Joe Biden had a troubling debate performance against Donald Trump on Thursday night
                • Biden's age has long been an electoral challenge, but his shaky debate performance shocked even his staunchest supporters.
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication


              • Unique Points
                • Democrats are discussing the possibility of replacing Mr. Biden on the ticket, which would make Ms. Harris one of the potential candidates for the presidential nomination.
                • Ms. Harris has struggled to distinguish herself in her role as vice president, with polling remaining low and some Democrats viewing her as a liability for the campaign.
              • Accuracy
                • Ms. Harris spoke clearly about Mr. Biden’s record, drawing contrasts between him and former President Donald J. Trump.
                • Biden acknowledged that it was not his best performance during a campaign rally on Friday afternoon.
              • Deception (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Fallacies (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Bias (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Site Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication
              • Author Conflicts Of Interest (100%)
                None Found At Time Of Publication